how to debug a package dependent on multiple packages?
Hi everybody, I am trying a global planner based on D* lite. I am using launch files in sbpl_lattice_planner. But move_base dies as soon as goal is passed through nav_view! The problem is how to run this complete setup in gdb as there are multiple executables involved and roslaunch do a lot of things. Parameters can be set using rosparam, but How I can run a node in some namespace in gdb ?
The part of launch file look like this: <node ns="local_costmap" name="voxel_grid_throttle" pkg="topic_tools" type="throttle" args="messages voxel_grid 3.0 voxel_grid_throttled"/> <node pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="false" name="move_base_node" output="screen">
thanks prince