Depth map from bumblebee2 camera?
Hi, I am trying to get the coordinates in space (X,Y,Z) of an object. For this, I am detecting the object using the image from the bumblebee's left camera (from here I can obtain the X and Y coordinates), and would like to obtain the Z-coordinate. I have the code for doing this with an Asus Xtion, but this uses a depth map. Can I get a depth map as well from my bumblebee2 camera? Or should I just use the disparity image I get from stereo_image_proc?
You probably want to use the points2 data type
Did you solve the problem? As i kown, There exist a package called"stereo_image_proc" which publish the disparity, and the "stereo_image_proc" package have a file "point_cloud2.cpp" you can get the depth of z in it(or need some transform).