Beginner Q re: catkin_make of turtlesim (hydro)
I'm new to ROS, and have been going through the tutorials. I decided I wanted to modify the behaviour of the Turtlesim demo application (having gotten the source from GitHub). I wanted to try 'catkin_make' using a target that has a bit more meat than the original example in ROS / Tutorials / BuildingPackages. I increased the precision of 'Pi' and made some changes to the 'draw_square' publisher.
The files I got from GIT are located in a folder inside my home directory. But 'catkin_make' gives an error when I try to make the project. I've tried copying the files over to the /opt/ros/hydro/share/turtlesim folder and using catkin_make there, but I get the same error as before.
The error I'm getting is:
The specified base path "/opt/ros/hydro/share/turtlesim" contains a CMakeLists.txt but "catkin_make" must be invoked in the root of workspace
From what I gather about ROS from the tutorials I've been through, I believe I am in the root of the workspace, and the parent folder is 'share'. I have tried 'catkin_init_workspace' and I get a message the CMakeLists.txt already exists. 'rospack find turtlesim' locates the project in /opt/ros/... so ros knows about my project.
Could someone please explain the above error and what I need to do in response.
Cheers, Nap
I'm not privileged enough to post a link that points to the same domain where I'm posting. :(