Dirty Uninstall of ROS
Hello all,
I am running ROS on Ubuntu 11.04. I can't remember how I exactly installed ROS but I distinctly remember using svn. I wanted to make sure my ros was up to date after doing an svn update and a make in my ros folder but I couldn't figure out how to check my installation/version. So I decided I would uninstall it and start from scratch. However, I could not find an uninstall script anywhere (I checked rosinstall, and the make file.) To fix my problem I simply did rm -rf [my ros dir]. I just did a locate and it looks like there's a lot of residue ROS files all over my system ... probably from a "sudo make install." Does anyone have a suggestion on how I could remove this residue? (And maybe on how I should have uninstalled it.) Thank you very much!