catkin: move/remove package and workspace
I have a catkin workspace containing some catkin packages. They were created using catkin_init_workspace and catkin_create_pkg commands respectively.
I want to move them all in another directory but I didn't find any tutorial about it. Is there something I have to do before that? Can I simply mv -r this workspace directory?
I have some doubts because using rosrun ROS I can find my packages everywhere and it doesn't ask me for paths, so I thought it could be possible only with some environment settings. I'm cautios about moving workspace, that's why I'm asking here :)
I'm using ROS Groovy and Ubuntu 12.04
So, briefly my questione are:
How to move packages into another workspace?
How to move the entire workspace with all its packages?
How to remove a package?
How to remove an entire workspace?
Thanks in advance.