Is it possible to connect machines with different ros versions?
I am running a robot pc (NUC) with ros-fuerte and my laptop with ros-hydro. I want to run the main nodes on the robot and the debugging nodes like rqt_plot and some hand made GUIs that use services on my laptop. Following the instructions from the ros wiki on NetworkSetup and MultipleMachines everything gets started and I can see all services and topic doing rostopic/rosservice list on both machines. But if I start my debugging nodes on the laptop (the robot fuerte is running the roscore) the topics and services from the robot seem not reachable. It just doesn't work, I mean there is no output saying connection failed or anything. Only if I try rosservice info <my_service> it says:
Node: /motor_control URI: rosrpc://NUC:47241 ERROR: Unable to communicate with service [/motor_control/SpeedLeftGainControl], address [rosrpc://NUC:47241]
Can this be due to discompabilities between fuerte and hydro? I have no other idea, since everything else works like described.