Installing ROS on a remote PC to control Nao
Hello all,
I am trying to install the latest NAO stack as instructed in the ros-nao Wiki.
Unfortunately, I am using ROS Fuerte, which does not have catkin installed and I cannot operate under catkin workspace.
As far as I understood, the result is to be unable to properly install the NAO stack 0.2 under rosbuild. Furthermore, when I try the instructions for the 0.1 version, I noticed that it downloads again the 0.2 version.
Could you please help me finding the 0.1 version?
Thank you for your help in advance.
Hello, I want to do the same things with you, I try to use nao_dcm_bringup package, but I got some matters. If i want to control a specific joint of nao, What packages should I install and what topic I need to pub to control the joints? Could you please give me some suggestions? Thank you.