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Integration of Knowrob with task planning algorithms

asked 2015-01-21 10:12:55 -0500

Robatics1 gravatar image

updated 2015-01-21 10:13:30 -0500

Dear Knowrob developers,

I studied about Knowrob papers and there is some doubt regarding task planning process.

As I understood, based on task planning with the Knowrob, sequence of actions are certain (for instance, which actions occur before or after which actions) that can be ordered with the "orderingConstraints" property and also they may be decomposed into other sub-tasks. My question is the structure used to find all sub-tasks to make a pancake whether we can call this similar to HTN !!

Moreover, Can we integrate other task planning algorithms such as STRIPS or Graphplan with the Knowrob? If yes, is there any library which already implements this type of planning inside Prolog language? because it could be interesting to benchmark different task planning.

Thanks in advance

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1 Answer

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answered 2015-01-22 08:59:47 -0500

moritz gravatar image

The structures are indeed to some extent similar (in that they describe actions in a hierarchical manner). There has been some work by colleagues in the RoboEarth project on integrating the OWL representations in KnowRob with a SHOP HTN planner, but I am not sure whether the code is available.

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Asked: 2015-01-21 10:12:55 -0500

Seen: 381 times

Last updated: Jan 22 '15