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answered 2012-10-25 08:50:11 -0500

joq gravatar image

The usual way to find the correct source should be:

$ roslocate info ros_comm --distro=fuerte

However, that does not seem to work for ros_comm in Fuerte.

On my system, leaving off the --distro option yields this:

$ roslocate info ros_comm 
- svn:
    local-name: ros_comm

That is probably not the exact version released with Fuerte. Assuming that the repository is at least correct, I'd recommend checking this out, instead:

The recommended way to manage source overlays is with rosws.

The usual way to find the correct source should be:

$ roslocate info ros_comm --distro=fuerte

However, that does not seem to work for ros_comm in Fuerte.

On my system, leaving off the --distro option yields this:

$ roslocate info ros_comm 
- svn:
    local-name: ros_comm

That is probably not the exact version released with Fuerte. Assuming that the repository is at least correct, I'd recommend checking this out, instead:

The recommended way to manage source overlays is with rosws.. There are already answers for questions about rosws on this same Q&A site.