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answered 2012-09-07 05:41:06 -0500

joq gravatar image

I am not sure exactly what you are asking, but basically you need to transform between the robot's pose and the object in the map.

Read up on coordinate frames for mobile platforms. Probably that will help you understand the issues better.

I am not sure exactly what you are asking, but basically you need to transform between the robot's pose and the object in the map.

Read up on coordinate frames for mobile platforms. Probably that will help you understand the issues better.

EDIT: the /odom topic typically provides an estimate of the robot's current position, orientation and velocity, see: nav_msgs/Odometry.

The forward velocity in that message is twist.twist.linear.x. It is a floating point number, so you should for absolute value less than some small epsilon rather than exact equality to zero. If your robot is capable of moving sideways or turning in place, you should also test twist.twist.linear.y and twist.twist.angular.z (yaw rate).

I am not sure exactly what you are asking, but basically you need to transform between the robot's pose and the object in the map.

Read up on coordinate frames for mobile platforms. Probably that will help you understand the issues better.

EDIT: the /odom topic typically provides an estimate of the robot's current position, orientation and velocity, see: nav_msgs/Odometry.

The forward velocity in that message is twist.twist.linear.x. It is a floating point number, so you should test for absolute value less than some small epsilon rather than exact equality to zero. If your robot is capable of moving sideways or turning in place, you should also test twist.twist.linear.y and twist.twist.angular.z (yaw rate).