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initial version

answered 2014-08-03 09:34:01 -0500

joq gravatar image
  1. That launch file runs the cloud nodelet in a velodyne_nodelet manager process. The cloud nodelet is built using and

  2. The constructor must advertise the topic before the callback can publish to it.

  3. An example of reading the individual points in the message is here in RingColors::convertPoints, a method that reads /velodyne_points and publishes a colored cloud containing the same points in /velodyne_rings.

  1. That launch file runs the cloud nodelet in a velodyne_nodelet manager process. The cloud nodelet is built using and

  2. The constructor must advertise the topic before the callback can publish to it.

  3. An example of reading the individual points in the message is here in RingColors::convertPoints, a method that reads /velodyne_points and publishes a colored cloud containing the same points in /velodyne_rings.

EDIT: To run the RingColors nodelet, create your own launch file, something like this (untested):

<include file="$(find velodyne_pointcloud)/launch/32e_points.launch" />
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="ring_colors_nodelet"
      args="load velodyne_pointcloud/RingColorsNodelet velodyne_nodelet_manager" />
  1. That launch file runs the cloud nodelet in a velodyne_nodelet manager process. The cloud nodelet is built using and

  2. The constructor must advertise the topic before the callback can publish to it.

  3. An example of reading the individual points in the message is here in RingColors::convertPoints, a method that reads /velodyne_points and publishes a colored cloud containing the same points in /velodyne_rings.

EDIT: To run the RingColors Ring Colors nodelet, you can create your own launch file, something like this (untested):

<include file="$(find velodyne_pointcloud)/launch/32e_points.launch" />
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="ring_colors_nodelet"
      args="load velodyne_pointcloud/RingColorsNodelet velodyne_nodelet_manager" />