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rviz should remember the last window size/position it was launched with (at least it did when I just tested this). Another option is the use of the wmctrl Unix/Linux command line tool. With this, you can easily alter window sizes and positions of all windows in your X Window manager.


 wmctrl -l

you can get a list of all managed windows. Using one of the names retrieved (it helps when it is unique ;) ) you can then specifiy a window position and size for example like this:

wmctrl -r 'ocs_default.rviz* - RViz' -e '0,1920,0,1080,900'

rviz should remember the last window size/position it was launched with (at least it did when I just tested this). Another option is the use of the wmctrl Unix/Linux command line tool. With this, you can easily alter window sizes and positions of all windows in your X Window manager.


 wmctrl -l

you can get a list of all managed windows. Using one of the names retrieved (it helps when it is unique ;) ) you can then specifiy a window position and size for example like this:

wmctrl -r 'ocs_default.rviz* 'ocs_default.rviz - RViz' -e '0,1920,0,1080,900'