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Mr Hillgren's profile - activity

2017-08-13 21:18:55 -0500 received badge  Taxonomist
2016-06-23 12:35:56 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-06-23 12:35:56 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-07-08 20:48:51 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-11-22 08:08:13 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2014-11-22 08:08:13 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2013-11-28 22:59:52 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-11-28 22:53:11 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2013-10-29 03:36:35 -0500 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2013-10-29 03:01:38 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-10-29 03:01:23 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)
2013-10-29 03:01:19 -0500 commented answer How can I use my own .msg?

Thanks for the quick response Thomas! I still have some trouble though, I explained it in the following question:

2013-10-29 02:54:59 -0500 asked a question Error when trying to use my own .msg

I've tried to use my own .msg to send between nodes but I'm having some trouble. I got an answer on It before but I don not get It to work properly.

The package .xml looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <description>The distanceCalc package</description>
  <maintainer <a href="mailto:email="patrik@todo.todo">patrik</maintainer">email="patrik@todo.todo">patrik</maintainer</a>>


The CmakeList.txt looks like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
 add_message_files(FILES distanceMessage.msg)

generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES std_msgs)
add_executable(distanceCalc src/distanceCalculation.cpp)
target_link_libraries(distanceCalc ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES} ${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS})
add_dependencies(distanceCalc distanceCalc_gen_msg_cpp)

In my case I have projects within my src folder in the catkin_ws, one of them is named distanceCalc and have a folder named msg where the message distanceMessage.msg is placed.

Is there some mistake that I'm making, because when I try to inclide the message with the line

#include <msg/distanceMessage>

in my cpp file which exists in the src folder in the project distanceCalc I get an error (when trying to perform the catkin_make command) saying

"fatal error: msg/distanceMessage: No such file or directory"?

If this is not enough information to answer the questions please inform me and I will update.

Regards, Patrik

2013-10-29 02:50:31 -0500 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2013-10-29 02:34:53 -0500 asked a question Error when trying to acces my own msg in c++ code

I've tried to use my own .msg to send between nodes but I'm having some trouble. I got an answer on It before but I don not get It to work properly.

In my case I have projects within my src folder in the catkin_ws, one of them is named distanceCalc and have a folder named msg where the message distanceMessage.msg is placed.

In the package.xml for the project distanceCalc I have the following:

<package> <name>distanceCalc</name> <version>0.0.0</version> <description>The distanceCalc package</description> <maintainer <a="" href="mailto:email=" patrik@todo.todo"="">patrik</maintainer">email="patrik@todo.todo">patrik</maintainer<>> <license>TODO</license> <build_depend>message_generation</build_depend> <run_depend>message_runtime</run_depend> <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend> <build_depend>cv_bridge</build_depend> <build_depend>pcl</build_depend> <build_depend>pcl_ros</build_depend> <build_depend>roscpp</build_depend> <build_depend>sensor_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>stereo_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>message_generation</build_depend> <run_depend>message_generation</run_depend> <build_depend>msg/distanceMessage</build_depend> <run_depend>msg/distanceMessage</run_depend> <run_depend>cv_bridge</run_depend> <run_depend>pcl</run_depend> <run_depend>pcl_ros</run_depend> <run_depend>roscpp</run_depend> <run_depend>sensor_msgs</run_depend> <run_depend>std_msgs</run_depend> <run_depend>std_msgs</run_depend> <run_depend>stereo_msgs</run_depend> <export> </export> </package>

In CMakeList.txt for the project distanceCalc I have the following:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) project(distanceCalc) find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS cv_bridge pcl pcl_ros roscpp sensor_msgs std_msgs stereo_msgs message_generation ) add_message_files(FILES distanceMessage.msg) generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES std_msgs) include_directories(${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(distanceCalc src/distanceCalculation.cpp) target_link_libraries(distanceCalc ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES} ${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_dependencies(distanceCalc distanceCalc_generate_messages_cpp)

Is there some mistake that I'm making, because when I try to inclide the message with the line #include <msg distancemessage=""> in my cpp file which exists in the src folder in the project distanceCalc I get an error (when trying to perform the catkin_make command) saying "fatal error: msg/distanceMessage: No such file or directory"?

If this is not enough information to answer the questions please inform me and I will update.

Regards, Patrik

2013-10-29 02:29:17 -0500 asked a question Error while using own .msg, what is wrong?

I've tried to use my own .msg to send between nodes but I'm having some trouble. I got an answer on It before but I don not get It to work properly.

In my case I have projects within my src folder in the catkin_ws, one of them is named distanceCalc and have a folder named msg where the message distanceMessage.msg is placed.

In the package.xml for the project distanceCalc I have the following:

<package> <name>distanceCalc</name> <version>0.0.0</version> <description>The distanceCalc package</description> <maintainer <a="" href="mailto:email=" patrik@todo.todo"="">patrik</maintainer">email="patrik@todo.todo">patrik</maintainer<>> <license>TODO</license> <build_depend>message_generation</build_depend> <run_depend>message_runtime</run_depend> <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend> <build_depend>cv_bridge</build_depend> <build_depend>pcl</build_depend> <build_depend>pcl_ros</build_depend> <build_depend>roscpp</build_depend> <build_depend>sensor_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>stereo_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>message_generation</build_depend> <run_depend>message_generation</run_depend> <build_depend>msg/distanceMessage</build_depend> <run_depend>msg/distanceMessage</run_depend> <run_depend>cv_bridge</run_depend> <run_depend>pcl</run_depend> <run_depend>pcl_ros</run_depend> <run_depend>roscpp</run_depend> <run_depend>sensor_msgs</run_depend> <run_depend>std_msgs</run_depend> <run_depend>std_msgs</run_depend> <run_depend>stereo_msgs</run_depend> <export> </export> </package>

In CMakeList.txt for the project distanceCalc I have the following:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) project(distanceCalc) find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS cv_bridge pcl pcl_ros roscpp sensor_msgs std_msgs stereo_msgs message_generation ) add_message_files(FILES distanceMessage.msg) generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES std_msgs) include_directories(${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(distanceCalc src/distanceCalculation.cpp) target_link_libraries(distanceCalc ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES} ${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_dependencies(distanceCalc distanceCalc_generate_messages_cpp)

Is there some mistake that I'm making, because when I try to inclide the message with the line #include <msg distancemessage=""> in my cpp file which exists in the src folder in the project distanceCalc I get an error saying "fatal error: msg/distanceMessage: No such file or directory"?

If this is not enough information to answer the questions please inform me and I will update.

Regards, Patrik

2013-10-29 02:27:23 -0500 asked a question Error while trying to use my own .msg, what is wrong?

I've tried to use my own .msg to send between nodes but I'm having some trouble. I got an answer on It before but I don not get It to work properly.

In my case I have projects within my src folder in the catkin_ws, one of them is named distanceCalc and have a folder named msg where the message distanceMessage.msg is placed.

In the package.xml for the project distanceCalc I have the following:

<package> <name>distanceCalc</name> <version>0.0.0</version> <description>The distanceCalc package</description> <maintainer <a="" href="mailto:email=" patrik@todo.todo"="">patrik</maintainer">email="patrik@todo.todo">patrik</maintainer<>> <license>TODO</license> <build_depend>message_generation</build_depend> <run_depend>message_runtime</run_depend> <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend> <build_depend>cv_bridge</build_depend> <build_depend>pcl</build_depend> <build_depend>pcl_ros</build_depend> <build_depend>roscpp</build_depend> <build_depend>sensor_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>stereo_msgs</build_depend> <build_depend>message_generation</build_depend> <run_depend>message_generation</run_depend> <build_depend>msg/distanceMessage</build_depend> <run_depend>msg/distanceMessage</run_depend> <run_depend>cv_bridge</run_depend> <run_depend>pcl</run_depend> <run_depend>pcl_ros</run_depend> <run_depend>roscpp</run_depend> <run_depend>sensor_msgs</run_depend> <run_depend>std_msgs</run_depend> <run_depend>std_msgs</run_depend> <run_depend>stereo_msgs</run_depend> <export> </export> </package>

In CMakeList.txt for the project distanceCalc I have the following:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) project(distanceCalc) find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS cv_bridge pcl pcl_ros roscpp sensor_msgs std_msgs stereo_msgs message_generation ) add_message_files(FILES distanceMessage.msg) generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES std_msgs) include_directories(${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(distanceCalc src/distanceCalculation.cpp) target_link_libraries(distanceCalc ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES} ${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_dependencies(distanceCalc distanceCalc_generate_messages_cpp)

Is there some mistake that I'm making, because when I try to inclide the message with the line #include <msg distancemessage=""> in my cpp file which exists in the src folder in the project distanceCalc I get an error saying "fatal error: msg/distanceMessage: No such file or directory"?

If this is not enough information to answer the questions please inform me and I will update.

Regards, Patrik

2013-10-28 21:57:23 -0500 asked a question How can I use my own .msg?

I've created my own .msg and can perform "rosmsg show MyMessage". The question is how can I use it in my C++ code?

I've seen this link that is exactly the same question ( however I don't really get it all. =(

Why is there a Header header in the .msg file? Is it "standard" to have in a msg?

Where Is the MyMessage.h file saved? How do I create It? I can only find the .msg file. Since I can't find it I cant Include it in the cpp file naturally.

It also states that I should add the line <depend package="my_custom_msg_package"/> in the manifest. When I do this i get an error saying: - The manifest must not contain the following tags: depend

How can I solve this?

Many Thanks, Patrik

2013-10-13 22:49:28 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2013-09-26 20:56:04 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-09-26 00:13:08 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2013-09-25 23:56:42 -0500 commented answer How can I integrate the DX100 controller to my laptop?

Hi again! If we need to controll our robot do we need to install the server application on the controller or can we use the interface immediatly? What about the robot ip? How can we establish a connection? The controller software is updated to the latest version. At gthub it says if we use groovy we should checkout the svn repo, is this relevant? Many thanks!

2013-09-25 23:51:28 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-09-25 22:22:09 -0500 commented answer Does MotoPlus and Motonis require Windows OS? Where to download motoplus/motonis?

Thank you! =)

2013-09-24 23:55:22 -0500 commented question Does MotoPlus and Motonis require Windows OS? Where to download motoplus/motonis?

I've been having trouble getting started with ROS and I need to integrate some sort of controller with ROS to communicate with the robot. It was the tutorial I found in ROS which lead me to the Motoplus SDK.

2013-09-24 23:41:17 -0500 asked a question Does MotoPlus and Motonis require Windows OS? Where to download motoplus/motonis?

I need to controll a robot with the DX100 controller, I need some sort of sdk which can give me the possibility to program the controller. (Need to send stop signals at first..)

Do the MotoPlus require me to have windows OS? Is there somewhere you can download MotoPlus or Motonis and try it out?

2013-09-24 23:28:28 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2013-09-24 23:15:12 -0500 asked a question How can I integrate the DX100 controller to my laptop?

Hi! Im a beginner at ROS and currently working in i project at my university where I should be able to send signals (go and stop signals at first) to a robot (Yakshawa Motoman robot) via the DX100 controller. says I need ROS hydro+. Does it work for ROS groovy as well or do I need to install the hydro+ version?

This page also says that I should mail to some group to get the MotoPlus SDK and some Motoman Part number. Is this necessary or do I need to mail them?

Thank you for all your help!

/Beginner who is lost... =)