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Sarah Osentoski's profile - activity

2013-03-26 18:07:51 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2013-03-26 18:07:51 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-03-26 18:07:51 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2012-08-16 04:10:39 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2012-08-16 04:10:39 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2012-08-16 04:10:39 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2012-07-30 04:38:59 -0500 commented answer How to solve 'Failed to load r_cart' ?

Hmm. Let me see if I had a typo in my first answer. I've not seen that error before.

2012-07-17 05:50:27 -0500 answered a question How to solve 'Failed to load r_cart' ?

Ah I missed the first link. In electric the jttelop controller was moved. Use this launch file instead: (Note that you need to have the pr2_controllers stack installed.)

<launch> <node name="stop_r_arm" pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="pr2_controller_manager" args="stop r_arm_controller"/>

<rosparam ns="r_cart"> type: robot_mechanism_controllers/JTTCartesianController root_name: torso_lift_link tip_name: r_gripper_tool_frame k_posture: 25.0 jacobian_inverse_damping: 0.01 pose_command_filter: 0.01 cart_gains: trans: p: 800.0 d: 15.0 rot: p: 80.0 d: 1.2 joint_feedforward: r_shoulder_pan_joint: 3.33 r_shoulder_lift_joint: 1.16 r_upper_arm_roll_joint: 0.1 r_elbow_flex_joint: 0.25 r_forearm_roll_joint: 0.133 r_wrist_flex_joint: 0.0727 r_wrist_roll_joint: 0.0727 joint_max_effort: r_shoulder_pan_joint: 11.88 r_shoulder_lift_joint: 11.64 r_upper_arm_roll_joint: 6.143 r_elbow_flex_joint: 6.804 r_forearm_roll_joint: 8.376 r_wrist_flex_joint: 5.568 r_wrist_roll_joint: 5.568

vel_saturation_trans: 2.0 vel_saturation_rot: 4.0 </rosparam> <node name="spawn_cart" pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="spawner" args="r_cart"/> </launch>

2012-07-16 11:24:46 -0500 commented question How to solve 'Failed to load r_cart' ?

Can you provide a little bit more information? What does jtteleop.launch look like? Or at least, which package is the launch file from?

2012-06-28 08:05:45 -0500 commented question rosbridge and rosjs/actionlib Fails

I just tried to duplicate this problem and was unable to. I am using revision 2891. Which version are you running?

2012-06-15 03:32:17 -0500 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2012-06-15 03:32:10 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2012-05-17 07:45:31 -0500 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2012-05-14 11:31:38 -0500 answered a question ros-fuerte-pcl missing dependency libmysqlclient_16

It turns out I was having dependency issues. If you see this error you should make sure that your dependencies, libmysqlclient_16 and libmysqlclient-dev have been updated.

If using ubuntu/debian, make sure to check that the update repositories are enabled by checking that /etc/apt/sources.list has something like:

deb lucid-updates universe main multiverse

with lucid replaced by whatever ubuntu release you have.

Or by checking in Synaptic in settings>repositores>updates>recommended updates checkbox.

2012-05-14 08:39:43 -0500 asked a question ros-fuerte-pcl missing dependency libmysqlclient_16

I'm currently working on releasing a stack into fuerte. It depends on pcl and currently when I try to compile I am getting the following error:

Linking CXX executable ../bin/pointcloud_snapshot /opt/ros/fuerte/lib/ undefined reference to `__cxa_pure_virtual@libmysqlclient_16' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

After doing some web research I found a link to this ticket:

While I believe that the fix (sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev) will work to get it to install properly on my machine I need to make sure that for a generic install my code can be released. Is there something I need to do or should I open a ticket.

2012-03-05 10:35:05 -0500 received badge  Teacher (source)
2012-03-05 10:35:05 -0500 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2011-10-14 14:50:55 -0500 commented answer pr2_cockpit
Hi Juergen, I looked into this and read through the code. It was reorganized and updated but the majority of the code is the same. At first glance the code seems functionally identical. I need to look/test more. We release our packages as Debian releases so a Debian dependency is necessary.
2011-09-23 05:46:50 -0500 answered a question Collada files in remote_lab

Just in case anyone searching here wants to know the answer to this question please refer to this link which has more discussion and example files:

2011-09-20 10:09:26 -0500 answered a question pr2_cockpit

The JTTeleop controller is now located in robot_mechanism_controllers and it shows up in the controller manager as robot_mechanism_controllers/JTCartesianController.

2011-09-20 10:09:01 -0500 answered a question teleop_controllers package in electric

I've think I've figured this out. The JTTeleop controller is now located in robot_mechanism_controllers and it shows up in the controller manager as robot_mechanism_controllers/JTCartesianController.

2011-09-20 10:07:05 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)
2011-09-05 06:16:08 -0500 asked a question teleop_controllers package in electric

Was the teleop_controllers package ( moved in electric or is there a plan to release it?