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2020-12-10 21:33:09 -0500 commented answer ROS log file change of time-stamping format

it is fixed in ROS Noetic:

2020-12-10 21:32:11 -0500 commented question ROS log file change of time-stamping format

It is fixed in the ROS Noetic:

2018-01-22 00:11:07 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-01-14 20:29:35 -0500 commented answer Start a nodelet roscpp (Tegra SGM nodelet)

Thank you. It is very clear. Are there any differences between these methods?

2016-03-17 11:13:01 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-12-05 09:53:26 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2014-12-05 09:53:26 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2014-10-29 16:49:09 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2014-10-29 09:17:17 -0500 commented question Can't get interactive markers working in pr2_interactive_manipulation package

I have solved this problem, see

2014-10-28 22:49:05 -0500 asked a question Can't get interactive markers working in pr2_interactive_manipulation package

Hi all, I want to run pr2_interactive_manipulation in a real robot, but it seems pretty broken. I just used it two months ago, but I don't know why it is not work now.

see the output at after I running: roslaunch pr2_interactive_manipulation pr2_interactive_manipulation_robot.launch nav:=true

see the output at after I running: roslaunch pr2_interactive_manipulation_frontend pr2_interactive_manipulation_desktop.launch nav:=true

the rviz appears but I can not interact with the robot - no interactive markers appear anywhere.

And the fixed frame (/map) does not exist, and I manually change it to /base_link (I run the both launch file wit nav:=true).

Note that you can see the output of robot.launch, the output just cycles the following info over and over...

" Waiting for service environment_server/get_robot_state waitForService: Service [/environment_server/get_robot_state] has not been advertised, waiting... "

Can you help me fix this to get interactive markers working? Thank you very much.

2014-02-17 14:08:06 -0500 answered a question tf id frame odom_combined and base_footprint does not exist error

You can try "export ROBOT=sim" before running "bin/odometry_base cmd_vel:=base_controller/command", and set the timeout duration to something longer (e.g., 1000.0 instead of 5.0): //wait for the listener to get the first message listener_.waitForTransform("base_footprint", "odom_combined", ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(10000.0));

2013-08-07 21:26:30 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-08-07 21:26:02 -0500 answered a question no interactive marker using moveit with gazebo

I also have this problem!