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2018-04-03 11:08:50 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-11-27 04:21:08 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-10-06 06:57:41 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-05-18 15:26:30 -0500 edited question Developing custom server for industrial Robot mitsubishi-PA10

Developing custom server for industrial Robot mitsubishi-PA10 Hi everyone! I am developing the packages to integrate ou

2017-05-15 22:57:00 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2017-05-15 03:37:06 -0500 answered a question Developing custom server for industrial Robot mitsubishi-PA10

Hello gvdhoorn! I have already tried what you advice me however it is not working. I don get any message similir to the

2017-05-15 03:32:08 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-05-14 09:12:14 -0500 commented answer Developing custom server for industrial Robot mitsubishi-PA10

Thank you for your quick response, I will check it on monday at the laboratory, and post if I reach to solve it. Since I

2017-05-14 09:09:42 -0500 marked best answer Developing custom server for industrial Robot mitsubishi-PA10

Hi everyone!

I am developing the packages to integrate our robot Mitsubishi-Pa10 within the ros-Industrial environment. I am using ros-indigo distro and ubuntu 14.04 for this purpose.

I am also trying to develop a proper server on the real controller side of the robot. For hardware requirement of the robot we need to develop it in Windows.

however I am now stucked with the communication protocol of the simple_message used by ROS. Since I have already developed the most part of the server, I now want to understand how the process of enqueing and sending points of a point trajectory works for the industrial_robot_client package.

My error occurs when I send a trajectory from de Rviz plugin of moveit throughout the industrial_robot_client package. The server accepts de communication decodes de message and starts to perform the trajectory, it performs 2 of the points of the trajectory and suddenly the ROS side aborts the trajectory and sends a trajectory of 0's to all the joints.

In the terminal I only get:

 ROS_WARN: Controller handle  reports status ABORTED.

It is not due to an ROS_PATH_GOAL constraint because otherwise it will show the Warning related to that issue.

I have tried looking for the topics of the state of the controller in the ROS side and de goals of the joint_trajectory_action controller. And the main difference between the simulation and the real implementation seems to be that in the real movement the status of the ros controller doesn't pass to Status=1 when it is performing the trajectory, it automatically pass from void to 3 to 4 and aborts.

On the other hand in simulation the status pass from 1 when it is performing the trajectory to 3 (success).

I think it is because when I receive on the server side the trajectory_point from ros as a SERVICE_REQUEST, I answer from the server to the ROS client side as a JOINT_TRAJ_MSG type as a SERVER_REPLY and as a REPLY_SUCCESS. but if I don´t reply the industrial_robot_client don´t send me the next point of the trajectory.

Is this message correct? Should the server only response with the Reply type set to INVALID?

I have found (too late btw) the repository of gavanderhoorn ( ). But it doesn't answer my question of the which value should I set of the Reply type of the simple_message.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Hello gvdhoorn! I have already tried what you advice me however it is not working. I don get any message similir to the one you said me :

Controller is taking too long to execute trajectory (the expected upper bound for the trajectory execution was X.Y seconds). Stopping trajectory.

I only get the message that controller aborted:

[ INFO] [1494837002.085272612]: Execution request received for ExecuteTrajectory action.
[ WARN] [1494837003.193947175]: Controller handle  reports status ABORTED
[ INFO] [1494837003.194048098]: Execution completed: ABORTED
[ INFO] [1494837003.194413494]: ABORTED: Solution found but controller failed during execution

Finally I have solved the issue ... (more)

2017-05-14 09:09:42 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2017-05-14 09:09:38 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)
2017-05-14 07:39:08 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2017-05-14 07:39:08 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-05-14 03:46:09 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2017-05-14 03:46:09 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-05-14 03:45:16 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2017-05-13 07:45:49 -0500 commented answer Industrial robot client : Are start and end sequence numbers not genenrated by default ?

Is this problem solved? Or it has been decided to leave it like that, just checking for the sequence number of the joint

2017-05-13 07:43:28 -0500 asked a question Developing custom server for industrial Robot mitsubishi-PA10

Developing custom server for industrial Robot mitsubishi-PA10 Hi everyone! I am developing the packages to integrate ou

2017-03-15 13:43:48 -0500 asked a question Creating industrial robot packages for mitsubishi pa10 robot

Hi everyone!

First of all I am new with ROS environment, however I am trying for my final master project to create the ros packages and comunicate with ROS the pa10 mitsubishi robot which was quite used in universities.

I have already completed the main tutorials from the ros industrial tutorials page and you can find my files here ( )

I have already created my urdf files, my moveit_config, and srdf files for gazebo. Now I am trying to implement the tutorial to create the moveit_planning_execution.launch ( ) file and I have found this error:

MoveItSimpleControllerManager: Action client not connected: pa10_controller/joint_trajectory_action.

I have been searching information and it seems that the industrial_robot_simulator with the industrial_robot_client joint_trajectory_action node should bring this action client however it is not doing it. I have looked at the code of the joint_trajectory_action and it does not have a main itself, should I create it? should I create the controllers also? and the transmissions in the gazebo files for simulation?

How can I proceed, If anyone could give me some advices I would really appreciate it. Thanks everyone.

PD: these files, I am creating them to follow the ROS-I tutorials, however my main purpose is to connect the actual server of the real controller ( which is written in C++ ) to ROS.

2017-02-27 05:59:00 -0500 asked a question Fail installing modbus-tcp with rosdep

Hi everyone, my question is pretty simple.

I wanted to install the robotiq gripper packages, I have already git-clone them, but trying to catkin_make, it ends with this error:

CMake Error at /opt/ros/indigo/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:83 (find_package):
  Could not find a package configuration file provided by
  "socketcan_interface" with any of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "socketcan_interface" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
  or set "socketcan_interface_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above
  files.  If "socketcan_interface" provides a separate development package or
  SDK, be sure it has been installed.

have anyone faced the same error? ¿does anyone knows what should I do?

Thank you all for your time.

2017-02-27 04:54:54 -0500 answered a question Link UR5 Robot and Robotiq 3 Finger Gripper

I am doing the same you are trying. I can't run rosdep install robotiq_modbus_tcp. And I get this error:

ERROR: Rosdep cannot find all required resources to answer your query Missing resource robotiq_modbus_tcp

Have you found a solution? and have you been succesful linking the two models?