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2022-09-13 07:20:37 -0500 received badge  Good Question (source)
2019-04-03 21:27:34 -0500 marked best answer Move It! polar robot configuration not moving second joint

Hi all! I'm fighting to create a polar robot configuration with Move It.

The polar robot has 3 joints: rotational, rotational and prismatic.

Polar robot

I have model it in a xacro file and can move it with problems in Rviz with fake controllers.

Rviz simulation

Here is the xacro file of the robot (be care to uncomment the lines for the joint with the world) link

And for launch it, this is the command:

roslaunch arm_description rviz.launch

Then I follow the MoveIt! tutorial for a custom robot (link) and generate all the files correctly, but as you can see in the next video, it only moves the first joint (rotational) and the third joint (prismatic), but not the second one (rotational). Video

And for launch it, this is the command:

roslaunch rrp_moveit demo.launch

I would apreciate some help in trying to fix this problem.

Kinds regards, Jorge

EDIT: This is the workspace for all the project.

2019-04-03 21:24:29 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2019-04-03 21:24:29 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-03-02 06:36:32 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2019-03-02 06:36:32 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2019-02-23 00:10:50 -0500 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2019-01-21 04:10:00 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2018-12-10 09:52:49 -0500 marked best answer How to control Maxon MCD Epos with ROS_canopen and IXXAT adapter

Important Edit: for ROS CANopen you don't need to load the controllers, only the URDF file of the motor to get the joints and specifications of it.

Hi all, I am trying to build an RHex style robot.

RHex robot

For it locomotion I have selected 6 Maxon MCD Epos motors. That are connected via CAN with an IXXAT USB-to-CAN adapter.

Maxon MCD Epos

IXXAT adapter

First of all, I try to manage the MCD with the package epos_hardware ( link ), I get all the motors work but with a different configuration (the first one via USB-RS232 to the computer and then it generates a CAN network with the others motors). The problem is that the frequency to control the motors is only 3 Hz and I need at least 20 Hz.

So, having try ros package epos_hardware and testing that it can't connect to Maxon motors via Canopen I am trying to use ros_canopen package ( can_open ) and following the instructions from Mathias (Instructions)

But I'm having the same errors that CJ.

[ INFO] [1527765873.067864309]: Initializing XXX
[ INFO] [1527765873.068224620]: Current state: 1 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1527765873.068457195]: Current state: 2 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1527765881.288870355]: Current state: 2 device error: system:125 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1527765881.288943915]: Current state: 0 device error: system:125 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1527765881.288998158]: Current state: 0 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)
[ INFO] [1527765881.289078940]: Current state: 0 device error: system:0 internal_error: 0 (OK)

And also, some errors with the controllers

[INFO] [1527765775.163013]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller
[WARN] [1527765805.295161]: Controller Spawner couldn't find the expected controller_manager ROS interface.

I follow all the steps that Mathias explain in the other question.

  1. Setup SocketCAN Can0 port

  2. Prepare URDF with sane limits The xacro file of the robot is correct. You can download it from here

  3. Prepare EDS/DCF, take special care for the PDO mapping I generated all the 6 files with Maxon Epos Studio and change PDOmapping=0 to PDOmapping=1

  4. Prepare driver config

    • prepare chain config
    • configure motor-specific settings, especially unit conversions This is my yaml file with the configuration (canopen.yaml)


  device: can0
  loopback: false
  driver_plugin: can::SocketCANInterface
  master_allocator: canopen::SimpleMaster::Allocator
  interval_ms: 10
  update_ms: <interval_ms>
  overflow: 0
  #heartbeat: # simple heartbeat producer, optional!
  #rate: 20 # heartbeat rate
  msg: "77f#05" # message to send, cansend format: heartbeat of node 127 with status 5=Started


    id: 1
    eds_pkg: canopen_chain_node # optionals package name for relative path
    eds_file: "config/MCDepos_node_1.dcf" # path to EDS/DCF file

    id: 2
    eds_pkg: canopen_chain_node # optionals package name for relative path
    eds_file: "config/MCDepos_node_2.dcf" # path to EDS/DCF file

    id: 3
    eds_pkg: canopen_chain_node # optionals package name for relative path
    eds_file: "config/MCDepos_node_3.dcf" # path to EDS/DCF file

    id: 4
    eds_pkg: canopen_chain_node # optionals package name for relative path
    eds_file: "config/MCDepos_node_4.dcf" # path to EDS/DCF file

    id: 5
    eds_pkg: canopen_chain_node # optionals package name for relative path
    eds_file: "config ...
2018-11-30 02:00:21 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2018-11-29 20:19:23 -0500 commented answer Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

And with this form: <xacro:fotokite_arm parent="world"> <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" /> </xac

2018-11-29 20:18:18 -0500 commented answer Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

I have add to the question my launch file and the macro file that calls the one with the macro. I have also try to cal

2018-11-29 20:14:51 -0500 edited question Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data Hi all, I'm trying to build a robotic arm, but I'm havi

2018-11-29 10:57:58 -0500 commented answer Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

If I modify the code with your EDIT4 and launching only this xacro, I still can't get more TFs than the world and the mo

2018-11-29 10:56:29 -0500 commented answer Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

If I modify the code with your EDIT4 and launching only this xacro, I still can't get more TFs than the world and the mo

2018-11-29 10:47:20 -0500 commented answer Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

I have in another xacro what you say: <!--Import Fotokite arm --> <xacro:include filename="$(find arm_descript

2018-11-28 22:23:28 -0500 commented answer Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

If try changing the links (visual and collision) to the standard xacro form, and neither I can't get the TFs. I update

2018-11-28 21:32:31 -0500 edited question Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data Hi all, I'm trying to build a robotic arm, but I'm havi

2018-11-28 21:31:53 -0500 edited question Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child Hi all, I'm trying to build a robotic arm, but I'm having troubles when

2018-11-28 21:31:47 -0500 commented question Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

Hi @Delb, I had the same error if I try to convert to URDF.

2018-11-28 21:31:08 -0500 edited question Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child Hi all, I'm trying to build a robotic arm, but I'm having troubles when

2018-11-28 16:39:46 -0500 commented answer Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

Hi @FelipeNascimiento, finally your solution is right!! But the problem is that now I can't get the TFs of the robot, I

2018-11-28 14:02:39 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-11-28 10:35:19 -0500 commented answer Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

Hi @FelipeNascimiento, with your modification and don't have the error, but now I have this one: Error [

2018-11-27 12:50:18 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-11-26 18:56:16 -0500 commented question Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

If I comment the first if for the child <!--xacro:if value="${parent != 'length'}"--> <child link="${pr

2018-11-26 18:49:57 -0500 commented answer Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

I have edit the question, the macro definition was not insert as code. Now you can see that I declare the child variable

2018-11-26 18:49:47 -0500 commented answer Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

I have edit the question, the macro definition was not insert as code. Now you can see that I declare the child variable

2018-11-26 18:49:37 -0500 commented answer Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

I have edit the question, the macro definition was not insert as code. Now you can see that I declare the child variable

2018-11-26 18:47:23 -0500 edited question Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child Hi all, I'm trying to build a robotic arm, but I'm having troubles when

2018-11-26 15:14:20 -0500 asked a question Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child -> No TF data

Error: Joint is missing a parent and/or child Hi all, I'm trying to build a robotic arm, but I'm having troubles when

2018-10-29 02:13:16 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-10-11 16:39:07 -0500 asked a question MoveIt! 2 arms joint

MoveIt! 2 arms joint Hi all! I'm trying to create with MoveIt! a modular robotic arm but that each module can be control

2018-10-11 15:21:07 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-10-11 01:35:47 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-10-09 16:17:20 -0500 marked best answer Trajectory MultiDOF to file

Hi all!

I'm getting stuck trying to save the trajectory generate by MoveIt to a file.

The trajectory is generated correctly and the robot moves right in RViz.

moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory trajectory;
const double jump_threshold = 0.0;
const double eef_step = 0.01;
double fraction = move_group.computeCartesianPath(waypoints, eef_step, jump_threshold, trajectory);

image description

Also, I can open a file and write that in it. But I can't obtain the data of the trajectory.

If I read the data with:


I get a value, that I don't know what it means, and also is only one point, no three for the X, Y, and Z of the joint.

If I try with:

Eigen::Affine3d t;
tf::transformMsgToEigen(trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.points[i].transforms[j], t);

I can compile my code, but I get an error when executing the program. The error code is -11.

[move_group_interface_tutorial-1] process has died [pid 19367, exit code -11, cmd /home/crasar/WS/fotokite_ws/devel/lib/moveit_tutorials/fotokite_move_path __name:=move_group_interface_tutorial __log:=/home/crasar/.ros/log/f8fe907a-cb06-11e8-bd7b-d89ef3923760/move_group_interface_tutorial-1.log].
log file: /home/crasar/.ros/log/f8fe907a-cb06-11e8-bd7b-d89ef3923760/move_group_interface_tutorial-1*.log

Here is the workspace of my project.

And to launch it you need two terminals:

  1. roslaunch fotokite_moveit demo.launch
  2. roslaunch moveit_tutorials fotokite_move_path.launch

Thank you, Jorge

2018-10-09 16:16:56 -0500 answered a question Trajectory MultiDOF to file

The solution is made of two answer: - question #277954 -> store data into file - question #246678 -> transform the

2018-10-09 16:12:39 -0500 commented answer Trajectory MultiDOF to file

Hi @PeteBlackerThe3rd I have get it with the help of this question

2018-10-09 16:11:03 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2018-10-09 15:28:28 -0500 commented answer How do I control / acquire the tilt angle of kinect v1? I am using freenect on ROS kinetic.

Hi @meghdeepj, could finally control the tilt angle?

2018-10-09 08:17:13 -0500 commented answer Trajectory MultiDOF to file

Hi @PeteBlacketThe3rd, thank you for your answer. I have a 7 DOF arm. Which is RRR-P-RRR. And what about using the tr

2018-10-08 10:37:19 -0500 asked a question Trajectory MultiDOF to file

Trajectory MultiDOF to file Hi all! I'm getting stuck trying to save the trajectory generate by MoveIt to a file. Th

2018-10-08 06:17:32 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2018-10-05 10:27:14 -0500 answered a question How to move 2 robots in linux?

Here you can find a good example to control 3 Robotnik Summits, which are 3 wheel robots. Repository

2018-10-04 17:27:58 -0500 commented question How to get waypoints of a trajectory?

But I have one question. The data that is in the file, should be in which format? If I only want to get the position of

2018-10-04 17:23:58 -0500 commented question How to get waypoints of a trajectory?

Hi @PeteBlackerThe3rd I have implemented your code and it's working. I change some things, for example: while (count &