kacanopen import EDS file
Hi all! I'm trying to control 6 Maxon MCD Epos with a IXXAT CAN-to-USB adapter via socket CAN0.
I'm trying Kacanopen package because @Soeren answer in this question #q292882 that is working for him with a Maxon EPOS2, and also I have accomplished to move the motors in profile_position_mode.
But the problem is that I have an error trying to load the specific EDS file of the motor.
I have generate my EDS file with Maxon EPOS Studio and then check it with Vector CANeds program.
Then, I copy the file into the path /home/jorge/WS/kacanopen/src/kacanopen/master/share/eds_library/MaxonMotor
And modify the line 336 in the device.cpp file with:
std::string eds_path = "/home/jorge/WS/kacanopen/src/kacanopen/master/share/eds_library/MaxonMotor/maxon_motor_EPOS.eds";
But when I execute:
rosrun kacanopen kacanopen_example_motor_and_io_bridge
I have the error:
"There is no manufacturer-specific EDS file available. Going on with the default dictionary..."
Am I doing something wrong importing the file?
Thank you, Jorge
## EDIT 1 ##
I have upload the code to a repo, basicly is the same that the original from kacanopen.
I have modify the eds_files.json to add the new eds files for my motor (I try with 3 differents, but none works). I don't know exactly what to write in the fields: Vendor-ID and Product code.
"file": "MaxonMotor/maxon.eds",
"match": {
"Identity object/Vendor-ID": 251,
"Identity object/Product code": 326343
"file": "MaxonMotor/maxon_motor_EPOS.eds",
"match": {
"Identity object/Vendor-ID": 251,
"Identity object/Product code": 326343
"file": "MaxonMotor/maxon_motor_epos.dcf",
"match": {
"Identity object/Vendor-ID": 251,
"Identity object/Product code": 326343
@jdeleon Did you get your maxon controllers/motors working with kacanopen ?
Hi @Cyril_J, finally I could control the motors in position, but only in that mode, they have not implemented velocity control. question in github
Hi, Kacanopen works both in position as well as speed control mode. I am using in both mode with roboteq controller. You can have a look to my example code here in github.