kacanopen import EDS file

asked 2018-06-26 06:50:19 -0600

jdeleon gravatar image

updated 2018-06-28 02:04:52 -0600

Hi all! I'm trying to control 6 Maxon MCD Epos with a IXXAT CAN-to-USB adapter via socket CAN0.

I'm trying Kacanopen package because @Soeren answer in this question #q292882 that is working for him with a Maxon EPOS2, and also I have accomplished to move the motors in profile_position_mode.

But the problem is that I have an error trying to load the specific EDS file of the motor.

I have generate my EDS file with Maxon EPOS Studio and then check it with Vector CANeds program.

Then, I copy the file into the path /home/jorge/WS/kacanopen/src/kacanopen/master/share/eds_library/MaxonMotor

And modify the line 336 in the device.cpp file with:

std::string eds_path = "/home/jorge/WS/kacanopen/src/kacanopen/master/share/eds_library/MaxonMotor/maxon_motor_EPOS.eds";

But when I execute:

rosrun kacanopen kacanopen_example_motor_and_io_bridge

I have the error:

"There is no manufacturer-specific EDS file available. Going on with the default dictionary..."

Am I doing something wrong importing the file?

Thank you, Jorge

## EDIT 1 ##

I have upload the code to a repo, basicly is the same that the original from kacanopen.

I have modify the eds_files.json to add the new eds files for my motor (I try with 3 differents, but none works). I don't know exactly what to write in the fields: Vendor-ID and Product code.

        "file": "MaxonMotor/maxon.eds",
        "match": {
            "Identity object/Vendor-ID": 251,
            "Identity object/Product code": 326343
        "file": "MaxonMotor/maxon_motor_EPOS.eds",
        "match": {
            "Identity object/Vendor-ID": 251,
            "Identity object/Product code": 326343
        "file": "MaxonMotor/maxon_motor_epos.dcf",
        "match": {
            "Identity object/Vendor-ID": 251,
            "Identity object/Product code": 326343
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@jdeleon Did you get your maxon controllers/motors working with kacanopen ?

Cyril Jourdan gravatar image Cyril Jourdan  ( 2018-10-03 05:33:13 -0600 )edit

Hi @Cyril_J, finally I could control the motors in position, but only in that mode, they have not implemented velocity control. question in github

jdeleon gravatar image jdeleon  ( 2018-10-03 11:47:38 -0600 )edit

Hi, Kacanopen works both in position as well as speed control mode. I am using in both mode with roboteq controller. You can have a look to my example code here in github.

xdaco gravatar image xdaco  ( 2018-11-09 21:47:06 -0600 )edit