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2018-11-30 04:45:22 -0500 commented question using pybind11 along with catkin

this is one of the example using pybind11 with ros package:

2018-07-02 02:34:40 -0500 commented answer makePlan of GlobalPlanner plugin

try setting the planner_frequency to 0 in move_base dynamic reconfigure. This way move base will not feed plan again and

2017-09-28 01:29:10 -0500 commented answer Limit scan angle of RPLidar A1

Try following the example launch and use yaml file given in the tutorial, by replacing with your desired angles. If you

2017-09-22 08:43:07 -0500 answered a question Limit scan angle of RPLidar A1

By using LaserScanAngularBoundsFilter

2017-09-07 02:45:55 -0500 commented question I am a little confused about costMap and globalPlanner

one thing, static_layer does not update according to laser_scan but from static maps.

2017-09-01 02:23:07 -0500 commented question How to tell coordinate frame of laser scans to Rviz?

the scan is LaserScan msg which has the header/frame_id to specify the frame.

2017-09-01 02:22:34 -0500 commented question How to tell coordinate frame of laser scans to Rviz?

the scan is LaserScan msg which has the header/frame_id to specify the frame.

2017-08-28 06:40:38 -0500 commented answer import python modules failed...what am I missing?

sorry for confusion. I mean there should be one under catkin_ws/src that is created by catkin_init_workspace. Other one

2017-08-28 06:40:17 -0500 commented answer import python modules failed...what am I missing?

sorry for confusion. I mean there should be one under catkin_ws/src that is created by catkin_init_workspace. Other one

2017-08-28 06:25:58 -0500 commented answer import python modules failed...what am I missing?

In the structure of directory posted in question, the CMakeLists.txt of package is missing, but I'm assuming it's there.

2017-08-28 03:18:02 -0500 answered a question import python modules failed...what am I missing?

You need to specify the modules to import in Check if you have something like from . import MAPEopcode in y

2017-08-23 02:01:59 -0500 commented question how to assemble scans from vertical planar lidar

Hi Alex! I tried with gazebo and I was able to get two pointclouds, assembled every 1 second, using the approach above.

2017-08-21 04:28:29 -0500 commented question how to assemble scans from vertical planar lidar

and 2. Write your own version of periodic_snapshotter that gets point_cloud from both and adds them.

2017-08-21 04:28:17 -0500 commented question how to assemble scans from vertical planar lidar

Write your own version of periodic_snapshotter that gets point_cloud from both and adds them.

2017-08-21 04:27:33 -0500 commented question how to assemble scans from vertical planar lidar

Launch 2 instances of laser_assembler as described in 4.3 of laser_assembler wiki. (group them under namespaces to sepa

2017-08-11 09:40:33 -0500 commented answer makePlan of GlobalPlanner plugin

This doesn't seems to be the case. Publishing just the plan from standard global planner is a list of all the poses, and

2017-08-09 07:01:32 -0500 commented question I cant control my rplidar(can't stop)

In official node here and nodelet's implementation here

2017-08-09 06:59:42 -0500 commented question I cant control my rplidar(can't stop)


2017-08-09 03:35:54 -0500 commented question print works but rospy.loginfo doesn't

Are you running this from rosrun or roslaunch?

2017-08-09 03:34:14 -0500 commented question I run rostful-examples but has a error when I use roslaunch rostful_examples turtlesim_dev.launch --screen

Make sure rostful is installed on your system, it seems it is not. From the rostful repos, it appears it's not officiall

2017-08-09 03:07:25 -0500 answered a question python directory import issue on ROS

You would need to write and include catkin_python_setup() in CMakeLists as described in Section 1.2 here. This

2017-08-09 02:57:10 -0500 commented question makePlan of GlobalPlanner plugin

It would help to publish the plan also so you can visualise in rviz if it is what you expect.

2017-08-08 08:24:03 -0500 answered a question why in sound_play package cannot be used with roslaunch?

This is because script (must be written to be a standalone python script and hence) accepts sysargs. When

2017-08-08 08:04:21 -0500 commented question How to run roscore from php using shell script?

I replicated just the bash script and on it runs the roscore. Is there I am missing?

2017-08-08 07:56:14 -0500 commented question How to pass argument to launch file using python.

If it doesn't hurt you, you can also use roslaunch API instead of subprocess. I guess the API isn't stable and don't kno

2017-08-08 05:11:29 -0500 commented question Call multiple subscriber periodically at the same time

That depends on the node publishing these topics. Assuming both the topics are published together/with same rate, then m

2017-08-07 08:58:21 -0500 commented question how to assemble scans from vertical planar lidar

As I see, you would need to launch two instances laser_scan_assember for each and then add the two resulting point cloud

2017-08-04 06:49:16 -0500 commented question Call multiple subscriber periodically at the same time

I think it would be technically incorrect to say "call subscibers". The callbacks are called whenever a message is recei

2017-08-04 06:44:11 -0500 commented question How to configure Time sequence message filter

As stated in description, "The TimeSequencer filter guarantees that messages will be called in temporal order according

2017-08-04 06:41:03 -0500 commented question How to configure Time sequence message filter

I suspect that this problem is due to TimeSequencer working with topics having time stamps. which means if you replace s

2017-08-03 03:42:26 -0500 edited answer How to add parameters to a subscriber callback function given that it is also an action_client

First, change your callback argument const es_1::Draw msg to const es_1::Draw::ConstPtr& msg. As mentioned in sect

2017-08-03 03:41:58 -0500 edited answer How to add parameters to a subscriber callback function given that it is also an action_client

First, change your callback argument const es_1::Draw msg to const es_1::Draw::ConstPtr& msg. As mentioned in sect

2017-08-03 03:40:48 -0500 edited answer How to add parameters to a subscriber callback function given that it is also an action_client

First, change your callback argument const es_1::Draw msg to const es_1::Draw::ConstPtr& msg. As mentioned in sect

2017-08-03 03:40:32 -0500 answered a question How to add parameters to a subscriber callback function given that it is also an action_client

First, change your callback argument const es_1::Draw msg to const es_1::Draw::ConstPtr& msg. As mentioned in sect

2017-08-02 10:31:37 -0500 commented question sound_play action client c++

some of the examples in C++ are given here.

2017-08-02 10:28:41 -0500 commented question Is it posible to access ROS data directly from a susbcriber class using a NON-ROS python class?

You might need to implement a bridge between these two classes using something like zeromq or http requests. If the two

2017-08-02 10:17:30 -0500 edited answer rospy init_node() inside imported file

Althought this is mentioned here that if init_node is called with disable_signals=True we can call init_node from separa

2017-08-02 10:17:08 -0500 answered a question rospy init_node() inside imported file

Althought this is mentioned here that if init_node is called with disable_signals=True we can call init_node from separa

2017-08-02 09:17:09 -0500 commented answer cv_bridge tutorials not working

The topic names are kind of address names or lookup so shouldn't affect on vision processing.

2017-08-02 09:12:32 -0500 commented question How to pass argument to launch file using python.

what do you mean using python? Is there a python node launched in the xxx.launch? or you are reading this launch file in

2017-08-02 09:04:42 -0500 received badge  Commentator
2017-08-02 09:04:42 -0500 commented question How to set markers to be not view-oriented.

It should be possible. I don't know about how to do using the core Marker msgs but I have done something similar using h

2017-08-02 08:21:09 -0500 commented question how to get h*w point cloud from laser scan not just planer

One thing I can notice is tfListener_.waitForTransform is missing, not sure if it's related though.

2017-08-02 08:14:13 -0500 edited answer Scripts in /scripts cannot see files in /src/<package name>

The reason it cannot find your module is that it is not in your $PYTHONPATH. The standard way of solving this would be t

2017-08-02 08:13:54 -0500 answered a question Scripts in /scripts cannot see files in /src/<package name>

The reason it cannot find your module is that it is not in your $PYTHONPATH. The standard way of solving this would be t

2017-08-02 08:06:04 -0500 commented question I cant control my rplidar(can't stop)

the RPLidar A2 driver (should) starts and stops the motor on launch and exit respectively.

2017-08-02 07:58:36 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2017-08-02 07:58:36 -0500 edited answer roslaunch laser_mapper kitti_loop_closure.launch but the log show an error.

The error ERROR: cannot launch node of type [laser_mapper/laser_mapper_node]: can't locate node [laser_mapper_node] in p

2017-08-02 07:58:18 -0500 answered a question roslaunch laser_mapper kitti_loop_closure.launch but the log show an error.

The error ERROR: cannot launch node of type [laser_mapper/laser_mapper_node]: can't locate node [laser_mapper_node] in p

2017-08-02 07:36:19 -0500 answered a question when i study the rviz:Markers: Sending Basic Shapes (C++), i come across some problem: when i run this order: rosrun using_markers basic_shapes, it told me that "Please create a subscriber to the marker",so how to solve this problem?

This problem is solved by doing exactly what it told you: "Please create a subscriber to the marker" When you do rosrun