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kwiesz91's profile - activity

2019-03-07 09:27:00 -0500 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2019-01-14 13:10:26 -0500 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2018-10-25 08:43:09 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2017-07-17 03:19:57 -0500 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2016-06-28 17:37:11 -0500 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2016-06-28 17:37:11 -0500 received badge  Teacher (source)
2015-10-26 14:19:17 -0500 commented answer cmd_vel/Twist Transform Twist Message into Left and Right motor commands

Is that suppose to be "+ cmd_vel.speed" at the end of the first line instead of just "+ cmd_vel"?

2015-10-06 09:57:00 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-09-16 07:17:56 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-09-15 16:02:13 -0500 commented answer Loading a prior map with gmapping

@RB rviz is used to display the static map, not load it. To load it, check out map_server. Also, your question is almost completely unrelated to this question, so you should have posted this as a different question.

2015-09-15 12:32:11 -0500 commented answer What is the "center of the robot" in costmap_2d's footprint?

I figured, but good point.

2015-09-15 10:38:53 -0500 commented question What is the "center of the robot" in costmap_2d's footprint?

I should have just said: "...but then how does this relate to the base_link"

2015-09-15 10:36:01 -0500 commented answer What is the "center of the robot" in costmap_2d's footprint?

Thank you so much. This is the exact answer i was looking for. Maybe I'm crazy in thinking that the text could be a little clearer? Or maybe it can just blatantly say "the center is where you have your base_link" for people like me.

2015-09-15 10:29:42 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2015-09-15 08:20:32 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-09-14 18:38:27 -0500 commented answer Do not allow the robot to plan in unknow region for navigation. Parameters to set apart from allow_unknown

To attempt an answer (I have yet to actually mess around with navigation, just reading a lot): The costmap is stored in layers (with one of them being the obstacle layer), I believe that you can just get rid of the obstacle layer, if that's what you want.

2015-09-14 18:34:03 -0500 commented answer Do not allow the robot to plan in unknow region for navigation. Parameters to set apart from allow_unknown

That question is completely different from the first question; you should post it as a new question. I think the general rules of ROS Answers is to not post follow up questions in the answers.

2015-09-14 18:23:42 -0500 commented question replanning when the costmap is updated

I would take Progtologist's advice because your question reveals that you have not really done your homework on the subject.

2015-09-14 18:23:42 -0500 received badge  Commentator
2015-09-14 17:54:23 -0500 commented answer Should global costmap have an obstacle layer when using a SLAM node?

Confused me as well. Sebastion is correct, and it seems the only way that people will know this is by searching ROS Answers.

2015-09-14 17:49:48 -0500 commented question Running move_base for navigation via gmapping.

Just a side note for future observers: the navigation robot setup tutorial states that you should have either "footprint" or "robot_radius" set, not both.

2015-09-14 17:17:31 -0500 commented answer Navigation with Gmapping

I don't know if it was this way back when you answered this, but the global costmap can handle updating the map. When a new map appears on the map topic, the costmap will re-initialize its map.

2015-09-14 17:03:58 -0500 answered a question cost-map parameters and gmapping with youbot

Your error is because you are publishing the static transform map_to_odom. The (map -> odom) transformation is what the SLAM or Localization algorithm (e.g. gmapping or amcl, respectively) is in charge of outputting. (map -> odom) is the transform that corrects the drift in your odometry.

Typical transform setup of a mobile robot:

  • (base_link -> base_scan): Static transform that relates the scanner's frame to the robot's center of rotation (it's the scanner's pose in the base_link's frame).
  • (odom -> base_link): Broadcast by your Odometry node; it's the pose of the robot if just using odometry and is subject to drift over time (typical odometry comes from wheel encoders).
  • (map -> odom): Broadcast by SLAM/Localization node, which takes in the output of the odometry node and sensor readings to improve the accuracy of the robot's pose.

It would appear you have a lot of reading to do on transforms. Have you went through relevant tutorials yet? TF tutorials are here, and this is more info on how frames and transforms are typically used on mobile robots.

2015-09-14 15:26:18 -0500 asked a question What is the "center of the robot" in costmap_2d's footprint?

In the robot setup navigation tutorial, it says:

"In the case of specifying the footprint, the center of the robot is assumed to be at (0.0, 0.0)..."

From this, it sounds like they want it to be the actual center of the robot, but then how does it relate this to the center of rotation, which is used everywhere else? Because in my case, I have static transforms that relate the sensor positions to the center of rotation, not the actual center of the robot.

2015-09-14 13:14:09 -0500 commented question Switch from AMCL to Gmapping, 50% of time Odom->Map is missing, WHAT??????

A side comment: I wish that people/you had properly edited/updated your question because most of the proposed answers make no sense to what the question looks like now. Is there a way to see a timeline for these threads?

2015-09-10 10:07:33 -0500 commented answer laser_scan_matcher bulding package on Fuerte

Thanks! They must have their package set up slightly wrong or outdated because I ran rosdep install and it said that everything was there.

2015-09-02 01:28:25 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-08-26 01:20:49 -0500 commented answer Large-Scale SLAM?

gmapping is the one where each particle has its own map. DP-SLAM holds a grid of trees.

2015-08-12 19:45:31 -0500 answered a question Where are useful message constructors, converters

Actually (in regards to your first point), after a couple frustrating hours, I do not believe that this is implemented in the roscpp client libraries. Check out this issue: . I do not believe they are planning on implementing it either...

2015-08-11 17:34:01 -0500 commented answer baud rate parameter in rosserial_python arduino

Thank you so much! I have been wondering how to do this!

2015-08-03 03:09:42 -0500 commented answer static transform publisher - launch file

@Gudjohnson I would take a look at the "Writing a tf broadcaster (C++)" tutorial example, here:

2015-08-02 19:41:48 -0500 commented answer About /world frame

Actually, the last parameter in StampedTransform() is the child frame.

2015-08-02 17:09:22 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)