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2015-07-23 14:23:46 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2012-11-22 23:49:50 -0500 answered a question Navigational Timeout When obstacle is in front

Hi there, have you solved this problems? could you please share your experience, cos I encountered a similar problem,when I used care-o-bot (cob)in simulation. I deliberately set the goal under a table via rviz, then the cob robot will navigating to the goal, until it realised the goal is blocked, COB then feedback an error say:

2012-11-22 22:37:29 -0500 answered a question Using 2dnav with pr2

HI Chengxiang,

have you check the feekback from rviz(from the terminal which you run rosrun rviz rviz ), if a 2D NAV GOAL was set up properly, the feedback will look like: if you got this feedback, but you robot still did not move, then you can try to use teleop_keyboard.launch to test whether the robot move or not.

if I remembered well, the command for launch teleop pr2 is: roslaunch pr2_teleop teleop_keyboard.launch

In summary, there are various reasons can result in your robot fail to move, you should do a proper test, then modify your question with more details. also before you do any test, after you launched the simulation , you can use this command to view whether your robot received any commands telling it move rostopic echo -c /base_controller/command

hope this can give you some helps.


2012-10-02 02:13:03 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2012-10-02 02:13:03 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2012-10-02 02:13:03 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2012-01-04 18:44:30 -0500 marked best answer how to use rxgraph to generate graph

rxgraph simply uses graphviz. The viewer that rxgraph uses is called xdot, which sits on top of of graphviz.

2011-09-29 02:05:17 -0500 asked a question how to use rxgraph to generate graph

Hi Ken, can I use rxgraph as a library or tool to draw my own graph, let say, I can input my own data toreplace the nodes and topics, then generate a totally new dynamic graph based on the inputs. could you provide some information how to generate the rxgraph like diagram? thanks in advance! Tao