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Davies Ogunsina's profile - activity

2023-05-23 11:05:06 -0500 commented answer Why to use std::bind to declare the callback function

The proper way is to use the std::bind. Works well for me and I highly recommend you do the same.

2023-05-10 07:47:26 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-05-06 11:21:39 -0500 commented question rtabmap:rtabmap/rgbd_odometry was not published

I also have this issue, did you get to solve it ? If you did can you get to help out .Thanks .

2023-05-06 11:21:26 -0500 commented question rtabmap:rtabmap/rgbd_odometry was not published

I also have this issue, did you get to solve it . If you did can you get to help out .Thanks .

2023-04-22 04:33:22 -0500 commented question Rviz receiving image from gazebo but not displaying it.

Do you have a tf from the base_link to camera link frame ?

2023-03-19 18:53:45 -0500 commented answer How to create a 3D map using an RPlidar A1M8?

There is actually a package that helps converting 2D laser scan.

2023-03-11 14:02:33 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-03-11 08:40:18 -0500 commented answer Navigation2 Controller Server: Unable to start transition 1 from current state active

I also have the same issue, were you able to solve it?

2023-03-02 12:45:19 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-03-02 12:45:19 -0500 answered a question Can't see the robot in gazebo after spawning the robot.

I got it solved . The issue was that an inertia wasn't added to the chassis which is the base_link .

2023-03-02 08:53:31 -0500 commented answer husky gmapping not receiving map

Do you have the gmapping package installed? And also what's the scan topic ?

2023-03-02 08:47:46 -0500 commented answer husky gmapping not receiving map

Do you have the gmapping pacakge installed? And also what's the scan topic ?

2023-03-02 08:47:36 -0500 commented answer husky gmapping not receiving map

So you have the gmapping pacakge installed? And also what's the scan topic ?

2023-03-02 07:24:06 -0500 commented answer husky gmapping not receiving map

Can I see what's in the launch file?

2023-03-01 16:02:07 -0500 commented answer Sw_urdf exporter - How to define the Base_Link

Did you ground the base_link which is the shaft . When designing on solid works or fusion360 , you need to set the base

2023-03-01 16:00:52 -0500 commented answer Sw_urdf exporter - How to define the Base_Link

Did you ground the base_link which is the shaft . When designing on solid works or fusion360 , you need to set the base

2023-03-01 16:00:37 -0500 commented answer Sw_urdf exporter - How to define the Base_Link

Did you ground the base_link which is the shaft . When designing on solid works or fusion360 , you need to set the base

2023-03-01 15:44:32 -0500 commented question "RLException: [simulation.launch] is neither a launch file in package [ur3 sim] nor is [ur3_sim] a launch file name" error

Did you source the workspace that the package belongs to before you launched?

2023-03-01 15:41:01 -0500 edited answer husky gmapping not receiving map

You will need to provide a map to the launch file to be able to work. Check the launch file if there is a map_server nod

2023-03-01 15:40:05 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-03-01 15:40:05 -0500 answered a question husky gmapping not receiving map

You will need to provide a map for the launch file to be able to work. Check the launch file if there is a map_server no

2023-03-01 15:34:19 -0500 edited question Can't see the robot in gazebo after spawning the robot.

Can't see the robot in gazebo after spawning the robot. Hello ros developers, I use ros 2 Foxy and my problem is w

2023-03-01 14:13:13 -0500 asked a question Can't see the robot in gazebo after spawning the robot.

Can't see the robot in gazebo after spawning the robot. Hello ros developers, I use ros 2 Foxy and my problem is w

2023-03-01 14:11:24 -0500 asked a question Can't see the robot in gazebo after spawning the robot.

Can't see the robot in gazebo after spawning the robot. Hello ros developers, I use ros 2 Foxy and my problem is w

2023-03-01 13:58:33 -0500 commented question Problem using nav2d package with Turtlebot3: Remote does not publish over /cmd to Operator

Can i see your tf tree while all these nodes are up. rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree First change the sim_time param

2023-03-01 13:53:50 -0500 commented question Problem using nav2d package with Turtlebot3: Remote does not publish over /cmd to Operator

Can i see your tf tree while all these nodes are up. rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree First change the sim_time param

2023-03-01 13:53:13 -0500 commented question Problem using nav2d package with Turtlebot3: Remote does not publish over /cmd to Operator

Can i see your tf tree while all these nodes are up. rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree First change the sim_time param

2023-03-01 13:52:44 -0500 commented question Problem using nav2d package with Turtlebot3: Remote does not publish over /cmd to Operator

Can i see your tf tree while all these nodes are up. rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree First change the sim_time param

2023-03-01 13:52:05 -0500 commented question Problem using nav2d package with Turtlebot3: Remote does not publish over /cmd to Operator

Can i see your tf tree while all these nodes are up. rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree First change the sim_time param

2023-03-01 13:50:50 -0500 commented question Problem using nav2d package with Turtlebot3: Remote does not publish over /cmd to Operator

Can i see your tf tree while all these nodes are up. rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree First change the sim_time param

2023-02-27 08:48:38 -0500 commented answer Static object in Gazebo moves in RViz with respect to the world frame

So the right fixed frame is odom.

2023-02-27 01:39:15 -0500 commented question Unable to launch a gazebo model

Did you source the workspace before launching the node?

2023-02-26 16:55:49 -0500 commented question Gazebo [process has died]

Check if you got another gzserver running and kill it, then run the launch file again. ps aux | grep gzserver killa

2023-02-26 16:55:30 -0500 commented question Gazebo [process has died]

Check of you got another gzserver running and kill it, then run the launch file again. ps aux | grep gzserver killa

2023-02-26 16:55:11 -0500 commented question Gazebo [process has died]

Check of you got another gzserver running and kill it, then run the launch file again. ps aux | grep gzserver killa

2023-02-26 16:34:26 -0500 edited answer Unable to run "catkin_make"

ROS 2 doesn't work on catkin works on colcon build and also ydlidar official driver repo ,you can get it online .c

2023-02-26 16:34:05 -0500 edited answer Unable to run "catkin_make"

Ros2 doesn't work on catkin works on colcon build and also ydlidar official driver repo ,you can get it online .cl

2023-02-26 16:31:57 -0500 answered a question Unable to run "catkin_make"

Ros2 doesn't work on catkin works on colcon build and also ydlidar official driver repo ,you can get it online .cl

2023-02-26 16:31:57 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-02-26 11:40:33 -0500 commented question Static object in Gazebo moves in RViz with respect to the world frame

If you set your fixed frame to odom , it tracks the pose of the robot ..tell you where the robot is when visualising wi

2023-02-26 11:40:25 -0500 commented question Static object in Gazebo moves in RViz with respect to the world frame

If you set your fixed frame to odom , it tracks the pose of the robot ..tell you where the robot is when visualising wi

2023-02-26 11:39:25 -0500 commented question Static object in Gazebo moves in RViz with respect to the world frame

If you set your fixed frame to odom , it tracks the pose of the robot ..tell you where the robot is when visualising wi

2023-02-24 19:29:30 -0500 commented question Static object in Gazebo moves in RViz with respect to the world frame

Can you set your fixed frame to base_link or your robot base frame and see if the pillar still moves while teleoperatin

2023-02-24 19:28:58 -0500 commented question Static object in Gazebo moves in RViz with respect to the world frame

Can you set your fixed frame to base_link or your robot base frame and see if the pillar still moves .

2023-02-24 19:23:48 -0500 commented question Static object in Gazebo moves in RViz with respect to the world frame

Can you set your fixed frame to base_link and see if the pillar still moves .

2023-02-24 19:23:21 -0500 answered a question Static object in Gazebo moves in RViz with respect to the world frame

Can you set your fixed frame to base_link and see if the pillar still moves .

2023-02-24 19:23:21 -0500 received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
2023-02-24 06:43:41 -0500 commented answer ros1_bridge doesn't find ROS1 std_msgs/String type for chatter example

Great,happy it was solved.

2023-02-24 06:17:59 -0500 answered a question Using hector slam mapping for Ros navigation stack

You can use the laser_scan_matcher package for localization. Follow the instructions below :

2023-02-23 13:38:22 -0500 answered a question [rosrun] Couldn't find executable named below /opt/ros/noetic/share/rosserial_python

Check if the rosserial package is installed . rospack list | grep rosserial_python If not install the package: Install