multiple subscriptions ignoring messages [updated]
Hello, My node is listening to 2 kinects on 8 topics for messages. Even though messages are published on all topics only 4 of the callbacks are invoked. I tried changing the LOOP_RATE, increased the QUEUE size but doesn't make a difference. Is there something I am doing wrong or missing? Here's the code that I was running: listener.cpp And here are my launch files for kinects: Kinect1_openni_node.launch, Kinect2_openni_node.launch, kinect_frames1.launch , kinect_frames2.launch Here's my rxgraph When I run listener.cpp , all I get is the following i.e. it skips messages from 4 topics
[ INFO] [1299768991.573907570]: Depth Image: [2]
[ INFO] [1299768991.580039704]: Kinect1 Depth Image: [6]
[ INFO] [1299768991.594992942]: Depth Points: [216]
[ INFO] [1299768991.598203115]: Depth Image: [2]
[ INFO] [1299768991.618901837]: Kinect1 Depth Points: [5]
[ INFO] [1299768991.622189841]: Kinect1 Depth Image: [6]
[ INFO] [1299768991.641956580]: Depth Points: [217]
[ INFO] [1299768991.646081980]: Depth Image: [2]
^C[ INFO] [1299768991.660327453]: Kinect1 Depth Points: [5]
Thanks for any help. Best, CV