Left side of laser scan visualization on android gets weird
Hi. I'm trying to visualize the laser scan read on android. I am doing similar thing that can be found in many sample source codes. This means that I declare VisualizationView laserView
, then I add two layers - laser scan and robot image by laserView.addLayer(new LaserScanLayer("scan")); laserView.addLayer(new RobotLayer("base_link"))
and finally I execute it with nodeMainExecutor. The problem is that it display everything perfectly only on the right side of the robot, left side shows some kind of artifacts, remains from previous scans. The laser is hokuyo rug-04lx.
Yeah. I described the problem but didn't ask the question. Do you know how to fix it? I was trying to manipulate the LaserScanLayer code but achieved nothing.
I have this problem and try to many methods to solve it,but achieved nothing.Can you solve it at the moment? Thanks