catkin can't find PCLConfig.cmake
So I did the standard catkin_create_pkg with PCL as a dependency and I'm getting this with catkin_make:
CMake Error at /opt/ros/hydro/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:72 (find_package):
Could not find a configuration file for package PCL.
Set PCL_DIR to the directory containing a CMake configuration file for PCL.
The file will have one of the following names:
Call Sta-name>ck (most recent call first):
<proj/CMakeLists.txt:8 (find_package)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
Invoking "cmake" failed
Just doing some basic file searching, I believe that all of the cmake config files are in /opt/ros/hydro/share - is that correct?
If so - here are a couple of directories that seem relevant:
ls -l /opt/ros/hydro/share/pcl
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1480 Jul 23 18:43 package.xml
ls -l /opt/ros/hydro/share/pcl-1.7/
total 32
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27024 Aug 23 15:37 PCLConfig.cmake
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 431 Aug 23 15:37 PCLConfigVersion.cmake
What should I do to catkin to make it realize these files are in front of its face?
Alternatively - how do I do the short term thing and night PCL_DIR? I tried this at one point above the find_packages line in my CMakeLists.txt :
set(pcl_DIR "/opt/ros/hydro/share/pcl-1.7/")
but it didn't do anything :(
Thanks for any help!
You need to update your packages and explicitly remove the `ros-hydro-pcl` package, as of the official Hydro release the pcl debs should be `libpcl-1.7-all` and `libpcl-1.7-all-dev` rather than the old `ros-hydro-pcl` deb. You'll know you have the right one because files like the `PCLConfig.cmake` will be in `/usr/share` rather than `/opt/ros/hydro/share`.