rqt_gui_py.plugin PushButton event error
Hi all.
I have designed a very basic gui in QT5 designer. It consists of some pushbuttons. One of them has the quit event (name = quit).
void awc_gui::on_quit_clicked()
This gui works fine in Qt5, but when I export the .ui file to my ~/catkin_ws/src/rqt_awc/resource$ folder
I can load the plugin in rqt, however the event doest work. I have been taken a look at some examples and I have tried the following in my plugin.py file
def _on_quit_click(self):
I open the rqt after I have compiled the package with catkin_make in the catkin working space. Then I get the following error:
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
To be sincere I have no clue, any help will be appreciate it, and in advance thank you.