Process has died
I am just trying to launch a file using roslaunch rtklib.launch
but it constantly says that process has died. I have spent a lot of time fixing this problem but I cannot. Also everything was working fine yesterday but when I try to launch it now, it does not work. The error is as follows
started roslaunch server http://malik:34688/
* /rosdistro
* /rosversion
* /rtkrcv/inpstr1_format
* /rtkrcv/inpstr1_path
* /rtkrcv/inpstr1_type
* /rtkrcv/out_degform
* /rtkrcv/out_outstat
* /rtkrcv/out_solformat
* /rtkrcv/out_timeform
* /rtkrcv/out_timendec
* /rtkrcv/out_timesys
* /rtkrcv/outstr1_format
* /rtkrcv/outstr1_path
* /rtkrcv/outstr1_type
* /rtkrcv/pos1_elmask
* /rtkrcv/pos1_frequency
* /rtkrcv/pos1_ionoopt
* /rtkrcv/pos1_navsys
* /rtkrcv/pos1_posmode
* /rtkrcv/pos1_sateph
* /rtkrcv/pos1_snrmask
* /rtkrcv/pos1_soltype
* /rtkrcv/pos1_tropopt
rtkrcv (rtkrcv/rtkrcv)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [3881]
setting /run_id to a204a6d4-e98d-11e2-85d2-081196dfce64
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [3894]
started core service [/rosout]
process[rtkrcv-2]: started with pid [3906]
[rtkrcv-2] process has died [pid 3906, exit code -11, cmd /home/asfandyar/gnss-master/rtkrcv/bin/rtkrcv -m 3003 __name:=rtkrcv __log:=/home/asfandyar/.ros/log/a204a6d4-e98d-11e2-85d2-081196dfce64/rtkrcv-2.log].
log file: /home/asfandyar/.ros/log/a204a6d4-e98d-11e2-85d2-081196dfce64/rtkrcv-2*.log
I have already tried netstat -ltpn
inorder to check there is no other ros program running. Any help would be appreciated.
Can you please be more detailed about it. Forexample what is your output to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH and all the other necessary details