Problem setting PS3 rumble [closed]
I'm trying to use a controller which can be set to rumble. As is a functionallity natively supported for PS3 controller I'm using that one (but I own a XBox controller too, if needed). I can read values using ps3joy without any problem but I that node doesn't subscribe to /joy/set_feedback (where LEDs or rumble could be set) so is not responding to something like
rostopic pub /joy/set_feedback sensor_msgs/JoyFeedbackArray '[[0, 3, 1], [1,1,0.8]]'
In init function it subscribes to that topic but nothing is happening (double checked with rxgraph).
Any ideas about what is happening or how to fix it?
(Thanks for pointing me to that new feature. I know got it working!) Okay, so you started instead of with sudo but also ROS awareness or simply rights to access BT. Does the node output anything? Do the usual sensor features work?