Conflict between PCL and ROS Kinect drivers..Any Soln?
Ubuntu 12.04 and Fuerte with rosbuild
I have a kinect for xbox 360. I installed a fresh copy of ubuntu 12.04, fuerte and added a patch from
and got openni_launch to work. I was able to visualize point clouds from kinect in rviz.
Then I installed PCL binaries for ubuntu and it has removed some openni drivers for ROS.
After this the openni_launch package does not work, no pointclouds.
When I try to install the removed packages, like "libopenni-dev" or "libopenni0", it says there is conflict with PCL libraries asks if they can be removed.
How to solve this issue?
How can I get kinect working with ROS and have PCL libraries for features, keypoints and registration purposes? Specifically no need of the PCL driver for kinect as I will subscribe to pointclouds from ROS.