Turtlebot calibration error
I'm attempting to run the Turtlebot calibration routine on Fuerte. However, I run into the "Still waiting for scan. Please point me at a wall" error. I modified calibrate.launch as suggested on another topic:
<node pkg="turtlebot_calibration" type="calibrate.py" name="turtlebot_calibration" output="screen" required="true">
<!-- <remap from="imu" to="imu/raw" /> -->
<remap from="imu" to="mobile_base/sensors/imu_data_raw" />
<remap from="cmd_vel" to="mobile_base/commands/velocity" />
<remap from="scan_angle" to="scan_angle" />
<remap from="odom" to="odom" />
I believe the problem lies in the Pointcloud2 topic (and other depth related ones). When I try to visualize it into Rviz, nothing is being displayed; I see the grid and the robot model only. I don't see the LaserScan either. However, messages are begin published by openni:
rostopic info cloud_throttled
Type: sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
* /openni_manager (http://localhost:54732/)
* /rviz_1370361118464794599 (http://localhost:47752/)
* /openni_manager (http://localhost:54732/)
rostopic hz cloud_throttled
subscribed to [/cloud_throttled]
average rate: 9.115
min: 0.076s max: 0.171s std dev: 0.03235s window: 8
I have tried every possible type of Fixed Frame in RViz that contains camera. None seems to work. On the other hand, "Camera" displays a picture on the rgb/image_color topic. However, depth/image_raw only displays a thin horizontal line.
I have used the Asus camera before, and none of these problems were occurring. Why isn't the same with the Kinect? It shouldn't be any different! Note that I have plugged the Kinect directly into a wall socket, so it should function on its own without launching the Create.
[Edit] If I launch openni_launch openni.launch
, I can visualize depth images on Rviz with sensorMsgs/Points. There seems to be a problem with the cloud_throttled...
Did you ever find a solution to this? I'm having the _exact_ same symptoms, except in Hydro. `openni.launch` works, but turtlebot launch files don't, despite messages being published.
Necroed. You two have the solution? Having the same problem here.
Okay, I've just taken another look at it, and I have some suspicions. I don't have time to confirm right now, but maybe you can. In openni.launch, the depth_frame_id is set to /camera_depth_optical_frame, but in 3dsensor.launch it is trying to map the laserscan to the /camera_depth_frame...
... Also, the tf is not being published in the 3dsensor.launch version. But maybe Turtlebot provides its own version of that frame, I'm not sure.
What I'm observing is that the depth image (camera/depth/image_raw) is all 0's. This results in /scan being all NaNs. I don't yet know why the depth image is empty.