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asked 2013-05-30 01:21:17 -0500

acp gravatar image

updated 2013-05-30 02:06:11 -0500

I have found pcl_visualization in the following:

When I am trying to run rosmake perception_pcl_addons i get the follwoing error:

'pcl_visualization' depends on non-existent package 'eigen'

I have eigen-config.cmake eigen-config-version.cmake in:


Can I generate the eigen package from this eigen-config.cmake?

Or where can I find that package?

I am have groovy installed in my system


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1 Answer

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answered 2013-05-31 05:55:32 -0500

joq gravatar image

That looks like pretty old code. Anything actively developed is probably somewhere on github now.

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Asked: 2013-05-30 01:21:17 -0500

Seen: 206 times

Last updated: May 30 '13