"Are your messages built?" error from echoing that message (Groovy)
Hello, everyone,
I've followed the steps closely defined here to create a custom message, editting my CMakeLists.txt, my package.xml, and my msg/data_logger_measurement.msg to create a new message.
I've been able to display the data with "rostopic echo /data_logger_measurement" in the past; however, now that I've rosbagged the data to revisit it a few weeks later, I cannot "rostopic echo /data_logger_measurement" when I'm playing a rosbag.
Instead, I get the error:
ERROR: Cannot load message class for [external_sensor_interface/data_logger_measurement]. Are your messages built?
The only changes that I can remember making are updating ROS when I performed a software update on Ubuntu.
Does anyone have any possible leads? (I may have made a few other changes in the past few weeks to ROS, but I cannot currently remember them.)
Thanks very much in advance!
Can you roscd to your package from that shell? If not, your ROS environment is not set up correctly.
Ah, this has got to be the problem. roscd won't tab-complete to that package. Under the old flavor, I could just change my package path to fix this. How do I resolve this in the Groovy?
There are several ways. The recommended approach is here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/groovy/Installation/Overlays