How to use in gazebo (urdf)
I was using a .model file in gazebo with a camera. But for the PR2 controllers I needed to switch to urdf file. I am now using the camera. But the performance of the tracking of markers using ar_pose seems worse. Therefore I want to try the libgazebo one again. But I cannot get a good urdf description of it. How can I convert this model code to urdf syntax?
<sensor name='camera' type='camera' always_on='1' update_rate='30' visualize='true'>
<horizontal_fov angle='1.57079633'/>
<image width='640' height='480' format='R8G8B8'/>
<clip near='0.1' far='100'/>
<plugin name="camera_plugin" filename="">
hey. Did you solve your issue? I am looking for a camera plugin that could publish pointcloud2, and I used the depth_camera plugin instead. Please update on your problem; which might be solve my problem.Thank you
I use the description like the one below with instead of libgazebo_ros_camera. But it is not a depth camera.
could I ask you, what is that <CxPrime> means?
CxPrime is an intrisic parameter of the camera. Not sure what it stands for, cx is the distance to the optical center.