openni_tracker on pioneer: illegal instruction
I'm trying to use an on-board kinect on a P3-DX pioneer (Cobra EBX-12 Computer) with ros fuerte installed using openni.
The problem appears when I run the openni_tracker node. The node seems to work, but in a few seconds, before it displays any message or something, the message "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" is shown in screen and the node is killed...
I've once fixed (another) problem when I was trying to run the openni_tracker node in my computer but now, on the robot, the problem seems to be different...
Does anyone know what could be the problem? Could it be related with some computer architecture incompatibility? I downloaded the openni_tracker from the ubuntu repository and I am using ubuntu 12.04 32 bits.
i don't have enough karma to post links, sorry...