Synchronizing messages without time headers
Hi all,
I am trying to synchronize subscription from a few topics from custom messages.
armj_cmd_pos_sub = message_filters.Subscriber("/arm_controller/position_command", JointPositions) armj_cmd_vel_sub = message_filters.Subscriber("/arm_controller/velocity_command", JointVelocities) armj_cmd_eff_sub = message_filters.Subscriber("/arm_controller/effort_command", JointTorques) armj_states_sub = message_filters.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState)
It gave me
AttributeError: 'JointPositions' object has no attribute 'header'
I am suspecting the /arm_controller/position_command topic.
The type of the /arm_controller/position_command topic is brics_actuator/JointPositions and the content is
Poison poisonStamp JointValue[] positions
and the content of JointValue is
time timeStamp #time of the data
string joint_uri
string unit #if empy expects si units, you can use boost::unit
float64 value
my question is how do I get rid of the attribute error? How to synchronize topics when their message don't have headers? Is there a way to add headers without meddling with the message files?
Thanks in advance.