How to calibrate the pose Asus Xtion on fuerte [closed]

asked 2013-03-28 05:23:41 -0600

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I am trying to calibrate the pose of Asus Xtion IR camera. I have already calibrated intrinsic parameters. But for extrinsic, camera_pose_estimation is not able to detect checkerboard.

rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/ir/image_raw shows me black image,but saves a nice image with right click.

I can see also nice image with following command, and able to detect checkerboard.

rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_color


Look for solution on asus-extrinsic-calibration-failing-on-ir-image

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by Martin Günther
close date 2013-04-10 01:46:36
