Virtual Joint as part of planning group in moveit!
Hi all,
I got my own robot into moveit! and added a planar virtual joint between my robots' base_link and odom like described in the PR2 tutorial. I created a group called 'complete' containing this virtual joint and the arm and would like moveit! to plan the driving path as well as the arm joints. When I start moveit! it outputs this error in the terminal
[ERROR] [1364401925.457291185]: Could not initialize chain object [ERROR] [1364401925.457352872]: Kinematics solver of type 'kdl_kinematics_plugin/KDLKinematicsPlugin' could not be initialized for group 'complete'
When I choose 'complete' as planning group in rviz and set the start state to random and press 'Plan and Execute" it works as desired and I can see it move to the goal state. My problem is that the interactive markers appear at the base_link and not the gripper which I think is due to the error posted above. If I use a planning group without the virtual joint, the markers appear at the correct position but moveit does not plan the driving path for obvious reasons.
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot