python conflicts with homebrew-based install on osx [closed]
I've been trying to install groovy on my mac running osx 10.8 and and am coming up against the following error during rosmake:
ImportError: cannot import name urandom
[rospack] Error: could not find python module 'rosdep2.rospack'. is rosdep up-to-date (at least 0.10.4)?
According to this question, the error has something to do with using homebrew's version of python instead of the system version. The problem is that installing pip, and many other python tools with homebrew requires installing homebrew's version of python first (pip is actually included in the python formula itself). I suppose it would be possible to install pip from source, but it will still be difficult to prevent homebrew from installing python when trying to satisfy rosdeps. Has anyone figured out a way around this? Is there a way to make homebrew's python play nice with ROS?
@Dan Lazewatsky: Hey again! I'm still trying to resolve this issue too. Any luck yet?
Seems it's an issue introduced by a change in python 2.7.3. <>. Temporarily unlinking brew's python (so it falls back to OSX's python 2.7.2) gets around the issue. Now I'm just getting lots of nasty boost errors...
In case you're curious, they're of the form
ld: library not found for -l:/usr/local/lib/libboost_signals-mt.dylib
. The following posts may be relevant: <> and ...<>.
Yeah, that works. Now various nasty C++ errors: <>. Almost there, I feel! Once finished, one of us should really write a new complete guide to building ROS on OS X, at least in note-form. :)
Open a new question, the last three comments are not related to this question.
@William: Calm it, I'm just attempting to be nice and update Dan or where I am given we're going through the same process. (Who are you to tell me this anyway?)
@Noldorin, sorry didn't mean to come off short, I simply want others to find your question so that they don't reproduce your work. Comments are harder to sift through. And if you found away around this problem, please post it as an answer.