How to log a global path defined in "/map" frame.
Hi, everyone.
I'm using navigation stack and would like to log a global path defined in "/map" fame.
How can I do it ?
Navigation stack's setup has already done and it works well.
I thought that a global path defined in "/map" frame could be got
by subscribing "/move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/global_plan" topic
and transforming it from "/odom" frame to "/map" frame
with tf::TransformListener::transformPose() method.
However it didn't work well and I had a following error.
Frame id /map does not exist! Frames (1):
A result of "rosrun tf view_frames" shows that there is a "/map" frame.
However, a result of "rosrun tf tf_monitor" doesn't show a "/map" frame
(Perhaps, because it is not broadcasted continuously?).
How can I log a global plan (an array of geometry_msgs::PoseStamped) defined in a "/map" frame?
Thanks for your attention.