Raspberry Pi and Turtlebot
I am very sorry if my question has an obvious answer but:
I am new to Raspberry Pi and TurtleBot and ROS. I know I can get ROS on the Raspberry Pi, I found a tutorial for that. But before I go through the steps to get it all set up, can I use a Raspberry Pi as the TurtleBot Netbook? Is there anything extra I will need? Is there an example somewhere?
Also, I'm a fan of Groovy, will TurtleBot even work with ROS Groovy right now because the installation instructions are blank?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I was hoping someone already did this! I am working with some folks who think the best approach for ROS on an RPi is to use ARCH - supposedly it is faster. I don't know if it will run as a ROS master host.
I feel sure that TurtleBot will work on Groovy, once all the problems have been solved. :-)
DrBot- would you be willing to try to work together on this? I am going to start on the process tomorrow, either way I will post the results here. I am hoping to process the kinect data, or at least send it to the work station.
Goal is the RPi will launch the robot and kinnect, but RVIZ will be run on a wifi connected laptop or other mobile device. I tried to build he openni drivers on Rpi Arch, but the buld failed on the 'clean'.
BTW were able to capture data from both a XV-11 neato node, and a Kinnect using the turtlebot kinnect launch on an ubuntu laptop using fuerte. This is all work associated with the Ubiquity robotics project.
Hi I'm able to launch turtlebot using raspberry pi wheezy with groovy, and teleop using workstation, but kinect is over burden on processor, were you able to process kinect data?
Hi i dont know what im doing wrong, I've installed ros groovy on the raspberry pi and trying to move the kobuki motors with the kobuki node and the keyop but the turtlebot doesn't move. I hope anybody can help me