Kinect Nyko Zoom lens calibration patch error [closed]
I'm getting an error when I make this patch provided here:
the patch is image_view_jsk_patch and is a part of kinect_near_mode_calibration:
Makefile:21: warning: overriding commands for target `clean'
/opt/ros/fuerte/share/ros/core/mk/ warning: ignoring old commands for target `clean'
svn revert -R build/image_view
cd build/image_view && svn --non-interactive up
At revision 730.
patch -d build/image_view -p0 < image_saver-filename_format_param.patch && patch -d build/image_view -p0 < image_saver-servicecall.patch && patch -d build/image_view -p0 < image_saver-encoding.patch && patch -d build/image_view -p0 < image_saver-update-param.patch && echo patched
patching file src/nodes/image_saver.cpp
Hunk #1 FAILED at 16.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 35.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/nodes/image_saver.cpp.rej
Can you tell me why it is failing? I'm using Ubuntu Precise Fuerte.