Can't include header files from other project
I want to create a package with just one header file and use this header file from other packages.
The header file is in HeaderProjectName/include/HeaderProjectName/HeaderFile.h
In the CMakeLists.txt "catkin_package(INCLUDE_DIRS include)" is defined and so is "install(DIRECTORY include/${PROJECT_NAME}/ ..." that was commented out in the default file.
I added the HeaderProjectName as both run and build dependency in the client's package.xml.
Still on compiling I get error that no such file as "HeaderProjectName/HeaderFile.h".
What could be wrong or what am I missing?
Using catkin on Groovy.
what your'e describing sounds correct. try this: instead of running catkin_make, go into the build folder and run make VERBOSE=1. you'll be able to see the include paths that way and get us more info.
Try adding project dependency in manifest.xml
When the cpp file (that needs the header from other project) is compiled, then my header's directory is not used.
could you paste the output of the compile with verbose=1 out as well as your cmakelists.txt and package.xml for both projects? i don't have enough information right now