Load a map in map_server
And how can I load a map into the map server?
I'm calling:
<node name="map_server" pkg="map_server" type="map_server" args="$(find p2os_nav)/simple_office_map.svg 0.1f"/>
in the launch file but I get this error:
[map_server-1] process has died [pid 12465, exit code 255].
log files: /home/camilla/.ros/log/8b409eb6-5feb-11e2-b202-000fb0a0b12e/map_server-1*.log
and nothing is published on the /map topic. Any ideas? Cheers!
I tried with png and now it works!Thank you! So which are the format supported?only png and pgm?
From the docs: Image data is read in via SDL_Image; supported formats vary, depending on what SDL_Image provides on a specific platform.