amcl no laser data received
Hi All,
We were trying to run the amcl module of ROS Fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04. We have connected the Hokuyo laser range finder sensor and started running hokuyo node. We have also created the map and tf publishers. After starting these required nodes we have executed the following command:
rosrun amcl amcl
The node starts to run and it just gives a warning about not being able to use Hokuyo for multirobot configurations which we also don't need. After this warning we constantly receive (every 15 seconds, a callback is established in the source code) a warning about not receiving laser data so no pose update can be done. It is very strange because we can visualize the laser scan data using rviz and also rxgraph shows that amcl is subscribed to /scan topic. I have googled about this issue but couldn't find any answers. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
are you subscribing to the topic /scan when visualizing the data in rviz? Maybe amcl is subscribing to /scan, but you are publishing the scan data on another topic
After your comment, using instructions from the navigation tutorials I built a node that publishes artificial scans but it still complains about laser data. Is it related to robot movement? because we dont move the robot right now