Turtlebot communication over Xbee
I am new to ROS and I am in need of some guidance of where to start with this project. I am currently running ROS fuerte and Ubuntu 12.04.
I am currently working with a Turtlebot 1 and would like to alter the communication between the workstation and the Turtlebot laptop to communicate over radio instead of ethernet as it does now. I plan to use an Xbee series 1 modem attached to the workstation and turtlebot laptop. (more generally I need my ROS nodes to communicate using a radio signal rather than wifi or ethernet)
My question is where to start within ROS packages to change the communication? Also I have come across rosserial and rosserial-xbee and was wondering if anyone knew if these might be used to achieve what I am looking to do?
Any help is greatly appreciated!