Problem with PR2 right_arm_navigation [closed]
I am rather new to ROS and have just started working with moving an arm, and I am trying to experiment with the PR2 but I have run into problems while trying to work with the tutorials for setting pose goals. This happens on multiple computers:
First I run: roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2_empty_world.launch
then in the next window I do: export ROBOT=sim roslaunch pr2_3dnav left_arm_navigation.launch
but then it spits out this:
[ WARN] [1351024897.652784745, 41.905000000]: Message from [/scan_to_cloud_filter_chain_tilt_laser] has a non-fully-qualified frame_id [base_footprint]. Resolved locally to [/base_footprint]. This is will likely not work in multi-robot systems. This message will only print once.
[laser_self_filter-3] process has died [pid 20595, exit code -4, cmd /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/arm_navigation/robot_self_filter/self_filter cloud_in:=/tilt_scan_cloud2 cloud_out:=/tilt_scan_cloud_filtered2 __name:=laser_self_filter __log:=/home/alex/.ros/log/ac07e49c-1d51-11e2-93de-001de0737df3/laser_self_filter-3.log].
log file: /home/alex/.ros/log/ac07e49c-1d51-11e2-93de-001de0737df3/laser_self_filter-3*.log
[laser_self_filter-3] restarting process
Exception AttributeError: AttributeError("'_DummyThread' object has no attribute '_Thread__block'",) in <module 'threading' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.pyc'> ignored
process[laser_self_filter-3]: started with pid [20828]
[ INFO] [1351024900.437254329, 42.137000000]: Waiting for environment server planning scene registration service /register_planning_scene
[ INFO] [1351024900.438241257, 42.137000000]: waitForService: Service [/register_planning_scene] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ WARN] [1351024900.663586536, 42.160000000]: No collision geometry specified for link 'l_forearm_cam_frame'
[ WARN] [1351024903.819315975, 42.460000000]: No collision geometry specified for link 'r_forearm_cam_frame'
[ WARN] [1351024904.773770656, 42.508000000]: No collision geometry specified for link 'base_laser_link'
[ WARN] [1351024905.026221965, 42.534000000]: Message from [/scan_to_cloud_filter_chain_tilt_laser] has a non-fully-qualified frame_id [base_footprint]. Resolved locally to [/base_footprint]. This is will likely not work in multi-robot systems. This message will only print once.
[laser_self_filter-3] process has died [pid 20828, exit code -4, cmd /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/arm_navigation/robot_self_filter/self_filter cloud_in:=/tilt_scan_cloud2 cloud_out:=/tilt_scan_cloud_filtered2 __name:=laser_self_filter __log:=/home/alex/.ros/log/ac07e49c-1d51-11e2-93de-001de0737df3/laser_self_filter-3.log].
log file: /home/alex/.ros/log/ac07e49c-1d51-11e2-93de-001de0737df3/laser_self_filter-3*.log
[laser_self_filter-3] restarting process
Exception AttributeError: AttributeError("'_DummyThread' object has no attribute '_Thread__block'",) in <module 'threading' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.pyc'> ignored
process[laser_self_filter-3]: started with pid [21034]
[ WARN] [1351024907.369550890, 42.778000000]: No collision geometry specified for link 'l_forearm_cam_frame'
[ INFO] [1351024907.980193558, 42.834000000]: Waiting for environment server planning scene registration service /register_planning_scene
[ INFO] [1351024907.981877222, 42.834000000]: waitForService: Service [/register_planning_scene] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1351024908.282771139, 42.861000000]: Waiting for environment server planning scene registration service /register_planning_scene
[ INFO] [1351024908.284102661, 42.861000000]: waitForService: Service [/register_planning_scene] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1351024908.418699110, 42.874000000]: Waiting for environment server planning scene registration service /register_planning_scene
[ INFO] [1351024908.420256153, 42.874000000]: waitForService: Service [/register_planning_scene] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ WARN] [1351024909.915232363, 42.999000000]: No collision geometry specified for link 'r_forearm_cam_frame'
[ INFO] [1351024911.510822693, 43.140000000]: Waiting for environment server planning scene registration service /register_planning_scene
[ INFO] [1351024911.512150097, 43.140000000]: waitForService: Service [/register_planning_scene] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ WARN] [1351024911.828828844, 43.167000000]: No collision geometry specified for link 'base_laser_link'
[ WARN] [1351024912.512327564, 43.237000000]: Message from [/scan_to_cloud_filter_chain_tilt_laser] has a non-fully-qualified frame_id [base_footprint]. Resolved locally to ...
I cannot reproduce this problem. It looks like a python bug in of python 2.7 which is closed. You may want to take a look at this:
I don't think the python exception is causing any problems. The actual problem seems to be that the laser_self_filter node dies and gets respawned. So the actual question is: why does it die? @ASchwa, can you try running it in gdb for a backtrace? You'll have to add a launch-prefix in the launchfile
I'm going to seem like an utter novice, but here it goes. I understand running gdb and that I need a launch-prefix to the file for gdb, but where/what exactly should it be added to the launch file. I assume something should be added to laser-perception.launch around the laser_self_filter section
Has anyone figured out the issue with this?