How to create a valid semantic map owl file and visualize the map in knowrob visualization tool?
Hello, I am writing a semantic map application to learn how it works.
My process is
Perception :
use kinect to get point cloud data of a scene
send service request to /object_detection to get object_id,
send service request to /objects_database_node/get_model_description to get object name
Create semantic map :
use OWL API to store the data in a semantic map file
use visualization module provided by knowrob to check the result
(so my semantic map file format must fit what this tool need)
Now I already finish the perception part and recognition part, and I want to store the data I got in a semantic map file(For example, if I got only one object perceived, I will store class, individual name, position, size in my semantic map).
In my understanding, the object name I got from /objects_database_node/get_model_description is the class of this object, and this may not be a valid type for visualization module.(Actually I am not familiar with OWL API right now, and I haven't create a semantic map by OWL API that can be visualized in knowrob visualization tool, I traced the code of SemanticMapEditor in mod_semantic_map package, but it's kind of difficult for me.)
My question is, how to store the object name as a class in semantic map (along with name, position and size, of course) and visualize the map correctly?
Any help is welcomed, Thanks.