How to make a realtime controller get information
Hi guys
So I have a robot simulated in Gazebo that I can control with the realtime controllers I made thanks to the tutorials. I also added a service and a PID controller as in the tutorials (which doesnt work good for every controller, but that's another topic!).
Since I want to have a "smart navigation" with the robot, I tried getting information from the ros topic published by gazebo : ModelStates. It gives you position, orientation, velocity... So I made my controller subscribe to that topic the following way (no need to give the whole code).
#include "leftwheelcontroller/leftwcontrol.h"
#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <gazebo_msgs/ModelStates.h>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
namespace controller_ns {
bool lwControllerClass::init(pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState *robot, ros::NodeHandle &n)
void lwControllerClass::starting()
void lwControllerClass::update()
ROS_INFO("lefwcontrol : lWEffort= %f", lWEffort);
void lwControllerClass::stopping()
/// Service call to set effort applied on the wheel
bool lwControllerClass::setEffort(leftwheelcontroller::SetEffort::Request& req,leftwheelcontroller::SetEffort::Response& resp)
void lwControllerClass::chatterCallback(const gazebo_msgs::ModelStates::ConstPtr& msg)
ROS_INFO("lwController heard this effort set: %f", lWEffort);
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char **argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "lwController");
ros::NodeHandle n;
lw_controller_ns::lwControllerClass *p= new lw_controller_ns::lwControllerClass;
ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("gazebo/model_states", (uint)1000, &lw_controller_ns::lwControllerClass::chatterCallback,p);
return 0;
So the callback output gives me the position of the robot (as it is supposed to do), but the update function loop give me "-0.0". I just guess that such subscription can not be done in real time...?
In a way or another, I'd like to get navigation information. I looked at a few things :
- Navigation stack / Odometry which I don't know if it works in realtime
- realtime_tools that seems to enable a controller to publish topics, but not to subscribe...
- GazeboRosIMU plugin and the following answer, but I tried and it seems it just publishes a topic.
- It seems there is "getModelState" service from Gazebo that may give information such as the "modelstate" topic, but i dont know how to get it, nor how to send it to my RT controller.
Any answer to these questions, or any suggestion is very welcome!
Update : I may build a non real time controller, but in this case (if RT is a dead-end), what tools should I use? pr2_controller_manager or pr2_mechanism_model are realtime specific, and a solution involving topics subscribed by gazebo might be a bit low-level.
Ok sorry, since I wrote this question, the website suggested me that answer :
I reopened this question because suggestions might actually be very welcome! Also, I'm not sure of the meaning of "realtime safe" : does it only means that it is not to use in hard RT process, or that you can NOT get ANY information from non realtime thread?