I can't use rosdep?!
I'm a beginner of Ubuntu (v12.04) and Fuerte ROS.
I've tried several tutorials in ROS and mostly things were OK.
Now, I'm trying to build some stacks i.e. robotino*. But I cannot use rosdep.
rosdeps: command not found
Did I install ROS incorrectly or lack of some steps to initialize ROS platform?
Thank you!
I've tried to track the error and see that I'm lack of rosbash. So I run "source ${ROS_ROOT}/tools/rosbash/rosbash" but the error comes "No such file or directory"
Have a look at the environment setup section and the overlay page. You probably don't have your environment set up correctly.
thank you @Lorenz!! I've found that I perhaps was lacked of this command in the installation page of ROS: sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall python-rosdep