Do interprocess nodelet communication perform any kind of TCP external communication?
Hi, I was reading about how nodelets are implemented and as far as I understand, an shared_ptr is passed from the publisher to the subcriber's callback if both are part of the same nodelet.
This seems familiar to a shared memory implementation I read about, that used TCP to transmit the pointers to the allocated memory between different applications.
I'm trying to reduce the number of TCP communication as I believe they are causing me severe performance issues, and want to make sure that publishing/subscribing in a nodelet doesn't perform any kind of socket reading/writing.
So, this is the question, given a publisher and a susbcriber in the same nodelet, does their communication happen completely inside the application or needs some kind of external communication, for instance, with the ROS master?
They do not need to be in the same nodelet, but must be loaded into the same nodelet manager process.